Much has been written about setting goals and objectives. It is important to know what your goals are for your network marketing business. Without knowing where you want to go, you have no clear direction and may tend to just drift along. Drifting along does not build a strong, successful ongoing business with the residual income you desire.
I attended an advanced seminar for network marketers that was all about setting goals and how to approach and plan your business. In one of the presentations, there were three key points that I believe are crystal-clear and to the point. Keep these in mind when setting goals for your business.
1) Many folks enthusiastically sign up for a network marketing opportunity with a simple goal in mind: “I really want to make some money” or “I hope to make enough to quit my job”. These are excellent thoughts and the beginning of a good goal-setting process. However, you need to be much more specific for them to be effective.
For example, instead of saying “I really want to make some money”, try something more focused and specific. “I want to make $2000 per month by next December, so I can afford to quit my job and stay home with our children”.
See how much more focused and meaningful that is? You have a clear “what, when, and why”. With a specific goal, you have direction and can plan your business activities accordingly.
2) Visualize some of the expected benefits and pleasures you will have when you achieve your goal. In this example, you could picture and feel the joy of staying home with your children. You could also feel the freedom you would enjoy when you have more control over your time. Pick things that really mean a lot to you, visualize them, and literally feel them inside.
3) When you have chosen and clearly defined your goals, and supported them by visualizing all the benefits and pleasures you will have, write them down. This is so important, but often overlooked. Writing your goals and desires down gives them more solid meaning. You can then review them often, and modify them if needed. You never know when you’ll surprise yourself and achieve things faster than you thought!
Take all the time you need to set your goals and visualize the benefits of achieving them. This is the first thing you need to do when starting your network marketing business. This is your initial foundation for success. Don’t let this slip.
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