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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Did You Make Your MLM Chicken List?

picture of the MLM chicken listWhen you first started your MLM business, were you urged to make a list of 100, maybe 200 prospects to present your new business to? You may have been told to include everyone you know, and you may have received a list of dozens of occupations to help jog your memory. Who do you know that’s a teacher? A store clerk? And so forth.
You were advised to also include people on your “chicken list.” Your chicken list might be people you know who are very successful and make a lot of money. Lawyers, doctors, and other highly-paid professionals are good examples. It is called the chicken list because these are people you might not ordinarily approach. They already have plenty of money and are really busy, so why would they be interested in an MLM business anyway?
The question is, did you make this “List of 100″? If not, why not?
Personally, I am not a big fan of doing this immediately after you start your MLM business. For some people, it is a great idea. For those who are really outgoing and able to handle rejection well, it can be the very best way to get started. For others, it could be a quick exit from the business. How many people will handle the inevitable rejection in the beginning like this?
I prefer to advise new MLM distributors to start out by picking a few close friends to discuss their business with. Go to people you know well and trust. These friends might not be interested in your business right now, but they can give you feedback that will help you polish your presentation and make you aware of possible questions you’ll encounter.
After presenting to a few good friends, focus on advertising and attracting prospects who are interested in a home business and ready to receive information from you. It is much easier to talk to a prospect who has contacted you with an interest. Contrast this to approaching names on the “List of 100″ – people who may or may not have any interest in building a home based income.
People talk about the “List of 100″ as your warm market. The theory is that these people should be easier to approach than cold market leads (strangers). I guess I am a bit radical in this area, but I feel that a prospect who sees my advertisement or web site and comes to ME for information is a warm lead. Warm because they are open and receptive to my presentation, not because they are an acquaintenance or friend.
I say do what you’re comfortable doing in the beginning. Once you have your business rolling and are having some success, absolutely make that list of 100 and approach those people. When approaching people who are unqualified (haven’t expressed to you an interest in building a home business), being established and already successful with your MLM business carries a lot of clout.

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