Free traffic exchanges work like this. You sign up and spend time surfing and viewing web pages belonging to other members. You typically have to wait 20-30 seconds on each page, then you can click through to visit another member’s page. By doing this over and over, you build up credits. These credits will be used to display your own web page to other surfers.
One example of a good traffic exchange is Trafficswarm. While there are other good exchanges, I have had the best luck getting good MLM leads on this one.
The thing to remember is why people are using free traffic exchanges in the first place. They are clicking and viewing all those pages so that other people will see theirs. The average surfer isn’t looking for a new MLM or income opportunity, they are trying to promote the one they are in.
The good news is that people doing this are interested in making money. However, if you send them to the typical opportunity site with lots of text and details, they probably won’t pay much attention to it. Their main interest is passing time and clicking again as soon as possible.
However, it is quite possible to get their attention and interest, but you have to do it fast. Lots of people are trying to get MLM leads using the traffic exchanges.
The secret to getting MLM leads using traffic exchanges:
- create a small page with a short and powerful message, along with a form to submit their email address so they can join your mailing list. You will need to offer something of value, like a free report about making money online. Something that looks really interesting.
- understand that your whole objective is to get their name and contact information, so you can get in touch with them later about your opportunity. You are NOT trying to sell them on anything at this point, all you want is permission to contact them later.
I use Aweber to manage my mailing list. You can set up a series of messages to go out at regular intervals, or send something to all your MLM leads at any time.
Sign up for Trafficswarm and give it a try. It’s free, and once inside there are excellent tips on how to write compelling headlines and ads.
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