I’ve used these in the past, but have always lost patience with them. In network marketing, I need to keep up with lots of contacts – both downline associates as well as prospects and customers. Trying to manage all this strictly in a paper planner would be a nightmare. I prefer to use software and electronic organizers for contact management.
That said, I believe (for many people) that basic day-to-day organization can still be handled efficiently by paper based planners. Paper planners still have advantages over all this high-tech stuff.
Here are a few interesting takes on using paper planners in the age of technology. After reading some of these, I am tempted to give them another try.
Organizers: Keeping Your World Close At Hand
I have upgraded my electronic organizers every couple of years but I always fell back to my paper planner. The paper planner allows me to have history at my fingertips. Last week my husband and I were talking about our next vacation and …
Resource of the Week: Franklin Covey Planning System
Two years ago, I started using the FranklinCovey Planning System to figure out which parts of my vision were most urgent and important. Before I started using the planning system, I used to write my ideas and schedule my day using …
6 Strategies to Make the Most of Your Paper Planner
if you are left handed, place your management section pages (eg. goals, key information, note paper, addresses, etc.) at the beginning of your planner. place your monthly tabs and planner pages after the management section type pages. …
Paper Planners are Not Over!
the beauty of a paper planner is that paper doesn’t crash. better yet, it’s much easier to jot down a note on a daily to-do list than pull out your handheld, turn it on, click around, and type a note on that tiny keypad with all those …
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