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Friday, July 29, 2011

Lead Generation: Is It Better To Generate Your Own Leads Or Buy Leads

Lead generating methods are always a debate in the circles of distributors in the network marketing business. Some believe in generating their own leads, while some think that buying leads is quite easy to build their business very high. New distributors or beginners in this network marketing business often don’t have a choice and wonder who is right in generating leads for the business. The fact is both sides of the distributors are right on their own experiences and success. Most of the distributors have got massive success that means they have started earning six-figure income or more.
The two lead generating methods have their own ups and downs. Generating own leads help in capturing quality leads, perhaps the quantity of leads would be very less when compared with the other method, but the distributors can gain more trusted and honest leads for their business. This is very important for the long-run and success of the business.
Most of the personally generated leads always respond to the distributors query. While, leads purchased online tends to reject the distributors query and never share requested information. It takes large of time in generating own leads and it is really difficult for the beginners in the business. Most people spend hours on generating leads, but it is worth for the long-time success in the business. With buying leads, marketers need not have to worry much about generating leads because they will get enough leads according to their payment.
In generating own leads, distributors are free to follow and use their own methods. Also, this method is very helpful in branding themselves and also the products, and most importantly distributors can gain wide recognition among leads. Also, marketers can capitalize themselves for the profit of their business. Purchased leads are applicable to only certain methods and also the leads are sold to multiple distributors. Therefore, this reduces the chances of increases the profit in the business.
Each lead generating methods have different pros and cons. The marketers can choose any method that works best for them and also the one in which they feel highly comfortable.
Tags: mlm+leads, lead+generation

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Network Marketing For Single Moms

Network marketing is a home-based business that allows individuals to sell a product in order to make a profit. The profit is commissioned based. A network marketer is in charge of how much money they can earn on a daily basis. The more sales that she receives the more money she can make. Single moms are choosing to get into network marketing because they have more freedom. They do not have to be tied down to a 9 to 5 job. They can start work early in the morning or late in the evening. As long as she meets her goals for the day, it does not matter how long she works.
A single mom may not have the funds to place their child in daycare. She can save daycare expenses by working from home. She will save on gas since she won’t need to travel to work. As a network marketer, all of the work is completed over the Internet. You won’t have to store any products. When the customer makes a purchase, the products will be shipped to them from the company. You will receive a percentage of the sale. The Web page that the customer ordered from has your personal id attached to it.
As a single mom, there comes a time when you may want to get out of the house to get some fresh air. When you work from home, you do not interact with others. A couple of days out of the week, you should find a library that has Wi-Fi and bring your laptop computer with you. You may still be alone, but other people will be in the library. You may feel good just seeing other people.
Your child can go into the reading room. The library offers programs for children during certain times of the week. If there isn’t anything going on for your child, they can get a picture book and look at it while you are working. When you go home, you can relax and spend some time with your child. If you do not work the whole day, no one will call you. You are the boss.
Tags: network+marketing, single+moms, wahm

How To Generate Network Marketing Local Leads Online

One of the most important points to succeed in the network marketing is generating local leads online. Local leads provide advantage for the business and with the advent of social networking sites and online advertising methods, there are myriad of excellent lead generating methods to attract local crowds online. With the online methods, distributors can build local leads without following traditional marketing methods such as attending local meetings.
One of the great ways to generate local leads is to make use of social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace. In these websites, marketers can easily find number of prospective leads for their business within short period of time. Most of these websites also have Zip Code features through which the marketers can locate leads in their area and other close-by areas. Also, marketers can search leads through city names and other possible ways.
Another great method is to advertise online and one of the best tactics is advertising on pay-per-click advertising programs. This program is very helpful in attracting and locating the targeted leads who are very much interested in the products or services. Also, most of these ads have regional feature where the distributors can target the audiences in a particular locality.
Craigslist is another great method that helps most of the network marketers in attracting large number of people to their business. Craigslist is a website that displays online classified ads and this is the place where most people around the world search for products and services. In the Craigslist website, marketers have the provision to display their ads in only certain region or targeted area. Also, marketers can promote their business worldwide with simple ads online.
One should understand that the key for succeeding in the network marketing business is to try all the possible methods and finally choose a method that works best for the business. Also, a person can easily evaluate their business opportunity with these excellent online methods. It is always better to first focus on the local leads and succeed in it. Then, a person can expand their business to other areas.

Tags: Network+Marketing+Local+Leads

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Make Money Today As A Network Marketer

When you get into network marketing, you can make money today. In order to make money today, you will need to go to a work from home forum and locate the network marketing folder. In the network marketing folder, you will find other members who have been in the business for quite some time. They may have a link where you can join under them. Before you join, ask the member questions about the type of products they promote. Find out if they have a hard time finding customers to purchase the products. Ask the member how much it costs to join.
Once all of your questions have been answered and you feel confident, join the network marketing company. Some network marketing companies will have a Web page in place for you with a personal identification number attached to it, so that when a customer purchases a product on your page, you will receive credit for it. Network marketers receive a commission. The network marketing company will state how much and when you will receive payment.
In order to start making money today, you will need to start promoting your page. Before you start promoting on different sites, find out if the site allows self-promoting. Many sites will ban members who self-promote. Once you find out it is find to promote your page, post a link to your page under all of your comments. When promoting in a forum, go to your profile page and post your link in the signature box. Every time you make a posting, your signature will appear.
Add a brief message underneath your link to get customers to click on your link. You can offer new customers free shipping on all orders. You may want to state what type of products you are selling as well. Another place you can promote your page is at social networking sites. Your friends and there friends will see your link. You may not want to contact your friends about your products. Just provide a short message on their comment page. Do not sound like a salesman. You will still want to talk casually with your friends. They may be more inclined to purchase from you since they know you.
Tags: network+marketing

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How To Have More Freedom As A Network Marketer

When you work as a network marketer, you are working solely from the Internet. You do not have to talk to anyone face-to-face. If you need to speak to anyone, it is via the Internet. You will have more freedom when you work as a network marketer. You can work when you want to. You do not have to worry about a boss calling you to let you know that you need to come into work. If you do not feel like working one day, you do not have to. You can go out of the house when you want to. When you have a regular job, you cannot be seen outside if you are off from work. If someone sees you, you have to make up an excuse as to why you did not come to work.
If someone asks you why you are outside and not working, you do not have to explain yourself, unless you prefer to. You can work in the morning, afternoon, or evening. If you are able to meet your daily goal before lunchtime, the rest of the day you can do what you want. The days that you do work, you do not have to work solely from home. You can work anywhere that has an Internet connection. Take your laptop computer to a café that offers Wi-Fi and mingle with your friends while promoting your page. It is good to interact with others when you work online since you are in front of the computer all day.
As a network marketer, it may not seem like a job since you are doing what you love to do. If you are promoting products that you use yourself, the day will go by fast. The only thing that you will notice is that you are earning money to do what you love to do. You will notice that you are saving a lot of money by working online. You won’t have to purchase gas that often since you won’t have to drive to work. The money that you were using for gas can be used for food.
Tags: network+marketer

Monday, July 25, 2011

Understanding Network Marketing Compensation Plans

The success of the network marketing business largely depends on so many factors such as company structure, leads, and compensation plans. It is very important for the distributors to analyze the compensation plans before entering the business. Here is an overview of the compensation plans involved in the network marketing companies. There are four main types of plans: the unilevel plan, the breakaway plan, the forced matrix plan, and the binary plan.
All the above said plans have three fundamental elements such as commission type, rules, and structure. The commission type is the one where the marketers are paid based on it. The rules defines the criteria and goals for the distributors to achieve in a month and this also defines the benefits and rewards for achieving the target. Structure defines where the distributor is placed in the organization.
In the unilevel compensation plan, the qualified distributors are paid with the level commissions. This means that all distributors are paid with the same amount of compensation for the sales made. In this plan, there are no ranks for the distributor and everyone occupies the same position. This is the simplest plan and the purpose of this plan is to make a large front-line distributors. This plan is considered as the stable plan for running the business.
The breakaway compensation is the next version of the unilevel plan or a hybrid of the unilevel. This is   the oldest plan where the distributors after reaching certain ranks with the increased performance break away from the original upline member. This plan is more of group based and this is most recognized by the regulatory bodies.
In the forced matrix compensation plan, the distributors are restricted to recruit only certain number of people at their level until their grid is filled completely. Once all the matrix in this plan is filled, a new matrix is formed. Binary plan is new to the network marketing business. The level is restricted with only two members and if the vacant is filled, the new members are placed in the deeper level. This plan does not have any depth limit.
Tags: Network+Marketing+Compensation+Plans

Friday, July 22, 2011

What Is Network Marketing?

Network marketing is a business model and a legitimate business that uses several methods such as referral programs and direct selling to sell company products or services. In this business model, individual associates or distributors act like the franchise to the parent company or network marketing business company and they are paid with the compensation according to the number of products sold with their efforts or with their own organization.
Most people confuse network marketing business with the pyramid selling but the fact is that in the network marketing nobody loses money. The profit made by this business model is shared to the individual in this business based on the retail sales and group profits made by them. It is very important for the newcomers in the business to check whether the company is legitimate before signing any contract with them.
Here are few tips for the distributors to check the reputation of the company. First important step is to check whether the company is regulated with the rules and regulations advised by the government or any organization related to it. The regulation part plays an important in choosing the right company. Next step is to check country’s regulations, most countries restrict the network marketing companies from charging large joining fees. Therefore it is better to know the legal problems in this business.
Network marketing company should not force the distributors to have large and expensive inventory of products. The distributors must make sure that the products are really good and has good value in the consumers market. Also, it is very important for the distributors to believe in the product, and should avoid joining any company that sells product of very low quality.
It is also recommended to check whether there are any training programs available to help the distributors to start their business. The chosen company should have a long and established track records of many years. At least, the company should be in the business for five years. Most importantly, it is better to choose a company and products that make the distributors more comfortable.
Tags: What+Is+Network+Marketing

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How To Have A Successful Network Marketing Business

Network marketing business attracts more number of people daily and it is proven successful worldwide. People are into this business to avoid the hassle of the traditional jobs and to have financial as well as personal freedom. Network marketing is mainly based on building relationships and only through large network success can be achieved. Here are few steps to build the successful network marketing business.
First important step is to know about the customers. People always love to buy the service or product from a person only if they realize that they are really cared. This is very much applicable particularly to the network marketing business. People always respect genuineness and they love to join the network marketing company that responds them. The follow-up or leads are the soul of the network marketing business and to be successful huge follow-up is very much required.
The customers must know that their distributors really care about them and the customers should be contacted via email, phone, newsletters, and even in person to stay connected to build the trust and relationship with them. This way, the marketers can make the customers understand that they are important to them. The most important point to consider is that the marketers should respond their customers in the timely manner because people have very busy lives these days.
Prospective customers should be contacted immediately and their request should be properly take care. If the marketers want their business to stay alive, then they have to focus on their customers. Next important step is letting people know what the business is all about and what it actually offers for the customer.
The marketers first clearly understand their business and the compensation plan, only then they can share their ideas and contents of the business to other people. Next important step is to teach the downline members to be successful in the business. The team members’ success is the success of the marketer. Therefore, a marketer should help the members in the team with necessary support such as training and other marketing support.

Tags: Successful+Network+Marketing+Business

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Network Marketing Company

When a person decides to go into network marketing, they have to choose the right company. If the person doesn’t choose the right company, they will be wasting a lot of time trying to make a sale. They will end up losing a lot of money in the process. When a person joins a network marketing company, a good company will be placed you on a team. The team will consist of team members and a leader. The leader will help the network marketers to make the same kind of money that they are. The leader may know about other places that you can promote your Web page that you may have not heard of. A good leader will not steer in the wrong direction. He or she should even help you to get your first sell.
When you are looking into finding the right network marketing company, the company should have been in business over five years. They should have a working Web page and contact information. The company needs to provide all of the tools that you’ll need to get started such as a Web page and banners to place on your page. The company should offer you tutorials, so that it won’t be too challenging to get started. If you happen to run into a problem, you should be able to contact the network marketing company. Their support team should be friendly and helpful.
Another thing to consider when choosing the right company is the type of products you will be promoting. The network marketing company may be top notch, but if you don’t sell a good product, you won’t make any money. Find a network marketing company that offers products that you know consumers want and need such as food and beauty items. If you are unable to find those types of companies, ask other network marketers who may know where to locate those companies. Sign up for free membership at a work from home forum. Members on the board who are network marketers may be able to give you information on how to locate the best company and product.
Tags: Network+Marketing+Company

Friday, July 15, 2011

Start Working Today In Network Marketing

Network marketing is a home business that involves promoting a product over the Internet to make a profit. In order to make a profit, you must have a product that consumers want and need. Find the best company with the best products by going to a work from home forum. At the work from home forum, there will other members who are already in network marketing and successful. You can join the same company that they are in. You may have to pay a small registration fee in order to join the network marketing company.
Read in the information thoroughly before getting started. Once you are ready, you can start promoting the products. When you joined, the company may have given you a Web page with your personal id attached to it, so that you can receive credit for the sales that you make. When you make a sale, you will receive a commission. The commission is a percentage of the sale. It can be 10 or even 50 percent. Promote your Web page on forums that you are a member of.  Always read the forums rules on self-promoting, so that you won’t be banned. Attach a link to your posting and add a short description underneath to catch the potential customer’s attention. It should offer the customer something in return for ordering your products such as free shipping or samples.
Post your link under your comments on social networking sites. The friends that you have will see your comments and so will their friends. It may be a good idea to try to become friends with other members such as introducing yourself. Most people are more likely to purchase products from people that they trust. Don’t try to be a salesman. Be yourself. In time, others will start to click on your link and buy your products. Some products customers will purchase are food, cosmetics, and vitamins. Give the customer a couple of benefits for using the product. You can review the product yourself. You may be given samples when you join. Test it to see how the product works.
Tags: Network+Marketing

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Single Woman In Network Marketing

A single woman can get started in network marketing by finding a good company to join. The company that she joins needs to be legit. In order to find out if the company is legit, she can visit the Better Business Bureau Web page. The company needs to have been in business for at least five years. In order to find the right network marketing company, the company needs to offer the right products. The right products are what will make you a profit. Some products you can consider promoting are beauty and health products.
The network marketing companies can be located at mlm forums. You can review what other members have to say about the company. Before you can review the company, you will have to register as a member. You can ask other members questions about a particular company. If none of the companies interest you, you may want to join a company that another member is in. Join the company and pay your fee. Start promoting the Web page in forums and social networking sites. Provide a brief description of what the product is and how they would benefit from it.
When you are in network marketing, most of your time will be promoting the product online. Since you are single you don’t have to stop and tend to children. You will have all the time in the world to make sales. You can work eight hours a day for five days a week. You don’t have to work from home the entire time. You can go to any business that has a Wi-Fi connection. Since you’re working from home, you may still want some human interaction. Someone may wonder what you’re doing and become interested in the products you’re promoting. They may want to make a purchase.
Working from home gives you the opportunity to make how much money you want and work when you want. If your goal is to make a few hundred dollars a month, you will have to find out how many sales you will need to make in order to meet your goal. As a single woman, you will be able to meet your goals since you don’t have anyone to stop you. You can work as much as you want.
Tags: Woman+In+Network+Marketing

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Network Marketing As A Part-time Job

An individual can become a network marketer working part-time. If you already have a steady job, you can work three to four hours at night by promoting your product. Visit forums and social networking sites that allow you to self promote. Try to make at least one sale a night. If you’re not making a sale, you can get into contact with the leader on your team. The leader will help you to get you to where you’ll need to be. You can also visit forum sites and talk with other network marketers about places to market your products.
After a long day at work, you may want to get out of the house. You may have been inside all day. You don’t necessarily have to stay at home to work as a network marketer. There are a lot of businesses that offer Wi-Fi. Take your laptop computer with you and enjoy a snack while working. When you get home, you can do other things with your family like enjoy a movie. Since you are working part-time, you’ll still have time to spend with your family or do things that you enjoy. You don’t have to work on weekends, unless you prefer to.
When it comes to payment, you will be receiving a commission. You will receive a certain percentage for each sale. If you have a certain amount of money you want to make a month, you will need to calculate how many sales you will need. The money will more than likely be deposited into your bank or PayPal account. The network marketing company will let you know how often you will be paid. It may be a good idea to keep a spreadsheet of the sales that you make. Sometimes companies make mistakes.
If you happen to become laid off from your job, you will be already established as a network marketer. You can go in and start working full-time. You will be in control of how much money you will make. Plus, you will be your own boss. You will save on gas since you won’t have to commute to work.

Tag : Part Time Job / Full Time Job

Moms Work As Network Marketers

Single and married moms are choosing to work at home in the field of network marketing since it allows them the freedom to make the money that they want. Network marketing is when you promote a product in order to make a sell. Most of the selling is done online. When you make a sell you will receive a commission. The commission could be up to 50 percent per sale. When moms work, they will work when their children are in school or sleeping. They don?t have to work an eight hours straight. They can work in the morning and until the children get home from school and again at night.
Network marketing offers moms flexibility. They can take a vacation when they need to. If they have met their goals for the month, they can take a vacation. When it comes to network marketing it is good to set goals. Moms need order, so network marketing is the right field for them. They can write down how many sales they would need to make to fulfill their goal for the week or month. If they happen to reach their goal two weeks before the month is out, they can take a break until the next month comes in.
There is no need to commute to work as a network marketer. All of the work is done online. The supplies are stored in another place. When someone makes an order, the products are sent to them automatically, meaning the company where the products come from will ship them out to the customer. You won?t have to handle any money. When a customer makes an order, they will use a credit or debit card. Any money that is owing to you will be deposited into your account.
A mom can make extra money by recruiting others. She can ask friends and family members if they want to get started in network marketing. The network marketing company that the mom joins will let her know how much she will receive when she recruits others. She may even make additional money every time the person they recruited makes a sale.

Monday, July 11, 2011

How To Start A Career In Network Marketing

You can start a career in network marketing by joining one of the many network marketing companies. Before you join, you will need to decide if you would enjoy selling products. In the beginning, you will be online most of the day trying to make sales. Once you get the hang of how the business works, you won’t have to be online for hours.
Conduct an Internet search for network marketing companies. You will be able to go to each network marketing companies Web page to obtain information. Go to the Better Business Bureau Web page to find out if the network marketing company is legit. You can find out if a network marketing company is legit by asking other network marketers. Other network marketers can be found at work from home forums.
Decide if you want to invest any money in network marketing. You will more than likely get the money back once you start making sales. Join the network marketing company of your choice. Read the information that is given to you thoroughly to make sure that you understand how to go about getting started. You should consider creating a Web page, so that you can reach a larger audience. Find the top domain and web hosting companies online.
Check to see if your domain name is a good choice for you by using a free keyword tool that can be found online. Your domain name should have at least 4,000 searches. Start placing pictures and banners on your page. Promote your Web page on free classified ad sites. Post a link to your Web page and write a brief description of the products you’re selling.
Read forum board and social networking site rules on advertising. Some forums and social sites don’t allow promoting of any kind. If you are allowed to promote your page, start by leaving comments to your friends with a link to your page at social networking sites. Their friends will see your comment and may click on your link. Be creative with your comments such as adding, “Get a free sample with every order.
Tags: Career+In+Network+Marketing

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Make More Money As A Network Marketer

As a network marketer, you can make more money by promoting the products with a Web page. By having a Web page, more potential customers will be able to see your products. In order to start the process, you will need to select a domain name. A domain name identifies one or more Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. The domain name will have a suffix attached to it such as .gov, .net, or .com. It is a good idea to find a domain name with a .com or .net. More Internet users search with those suffixes.
Choose a long tail keyword for your domain. A long tail keyword consists of two to five words used when Internet users are searching for a specific item. You can check to see if your long tail keyword is highly searched by using a free keyword tool. A keyword tool will let you know how many Internet searches is done on a keyword daily and monthly. The long tail keyword that you choose should have at least 4,000 monthly searches. Go to the domain site of your choice and enter in the long tail keyword. Choose the domain with a .com, but if you’re unable to get a .com, choose a .net.
Purchase web hosting for your domain. Web hosting is an Internet hosting service that allows businesses and individuals to make their Web page accessible over the Internet. When you sign up for web hosting, they may be able to set up the Web page for you, if you have no knowledge. In order to find the best web hosting site, locate the top 10 for 2011. It is best to choose a web hosting site that offers 24/7 customer support. Post pictures on your Web page and banners, so that you can receive credit for the sales that you’ll make.
Start promoting your Web page on different forums and social media sites. You will need to register at each place that you promote at. When you leave a comment, always attach a link to your Web page. Add a creative description underneath your link such as free samples on every order.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Live Comfortable As A Network Marketer

Many men and women are having to find new jobs since they are being laid off. In order for them to find new work, they must go back to school. Some men and women don’t have the time to go back to school. A man or woman can live the same way they did before they became laid off by getting started as a network marketer.
As a network marketer, you will promote products on a Web page or blog in order to get sales. You will have a support team while working as a network marketer. When you join a network marketing company, you will be placed on a team where you can ask your team members or leader questions. They will help you to get to where they are in sales.
You can work as many hours as you like. The most important thing that you will have to do is promote the products on every site that you can. Make sure that you find out beforehand, if you can promote your Web page or blog on the site. You may be able to gain sales from friends that you make on the sites where you plan on promoting. Your friends will know that you’re not trying to scam them, so they will be inclined to make a purchase.
Try promoting products that you know customers will buy such as perfume, make up, and vitamins. Place pictures of your products on your page. When you are promoting your products, describe in detail what the products are all about. List the benefits of each product. You will also get more sales by allowing your customers to save money. For example, free shipping for purchasing $10 or more.
You will find out how much commission you will get for a sale. Some commissions range from 20 to 60 percent. Figure out how much you would need to make in a month to live comfortable. It is important to work at least five days a week for at least eight hour a day. The more effort you put into promoting, the more money you will make.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Where To Get Support As A Network Marketer

When you are in the business of network marketing, you will be on a team. The team will consists of team members and a leader. Your leader is the person you can go to for help if you are having problems making the kind of money that you are looking to make. The leader will give you the tips that you will need to be as successful as they are. Once you are able to make the kind of money your leader is making, you may be able to help out one of your team members who is having the same problem that you were having.
Register online at home business forums. Find the folder for network marketing. Start talking with other network marketers. They will be able to give you tips on how to be more successful. By talking with other network marketers you won’t feel alone. They will understand what you are going through. You may want to visit the forum frequently. You don’t have to discuss the business with other network marketers. It can be a place where everyone goes to relax or just talk about their day.
Attend local conferences on network marketing. You may receive a postcard in the mail letting you know when they will have a conference in your area. You can check in the newspaper to see if there will be any conferences in network marketing in your area. Check online by entering in “network marketing conferences” and the city and state that you live. At the conference you will be able to ask the speaker specific questions that you may have. Talk with other network marketers. You can share stories and tips with each other.
Take a class on network marketing. You will meet other people who want to get started in the business or are taking a refresher course. You will be able to compare notes with each other. After class, you can ask each other questions. There may be a student who needs help on getting sales. Another network marketer may be able to give him or her tips on how to get more sales.
Tags: Network+Marketer

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Work From Home In Network Marketing

Network marketing is an at home job that consists of promoting a product for a profit. You must have sales experience in order to complete this home job. Most of your time will be trying to get your product to as many people as possible, so that you can make a profit. You can find network marketing companies by going to forums that cater to network marketers.
Find the network marketing company that offers the products that you are interested in promoting. You will make a profit if you choose a network marketing company that sells health, beauty, and food products. You will just need to find your target market. Register and pay any fees to get started with the network marketing company of your choice. Read the tutorials before jumping into promoting the products.
Set up a blog and post banners that are given to you once you sign up. You may want to research the products that you are selling before promoting them. You may want to blog about the products to let potential customers know that the product will be useful to them. Depending on the network marketing company you join, the company may send you some samples. You can try out a couple of the samples to find out how they work.
Create a Web page, so that your products can reach a lot of people at one time. In order for your products to reach a large audience, you will need to have a domain name that will appear when Internet users make an Internet search. Use a free keyword tool to find keywords associated with your product. For example, if you are selling beauty products you may want to use the keywords, “ red lipstick” or “beauty products”.
Before you self-promote your blog or Web page, read the sites guidelines. Some sites don’t allow self-promoting and will ban you for life. Once you find out that you can self-promote post a link underneath all of your comments. One way you can get sales faster is to offer a discount or free shipping on all of your orders.
Tags: work+from+home, network+marketing
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