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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How To Get Traffic To Your Network Marketing Site

When you are in the network marketing business, in order to make money, you will need to have customers. In order to have customers, you must have a good domain name and web hosting program that will draw traffic to your site. In order to make sure that you have the right domain name, you can check with Google’s Keyword Tool. The tool will allow you to see keywords that are searched on a monthly basis. When you are selecting keywords, choose keywords that are at least two words long. Make sure that the keywords that you choose have at least 4,000 monthly searches.
Go to the domain site that you want to purchase your domain name from. The next step is to type in the keywords that you have chosen. Make sure that you are able to get a .net or .com. If they are taken, try to find some other keywords in the Google Keyword Tool that will allow you have a .com or .net site. More people search the Internet using .com. Go to a web hosting site. You can find the best web hosting site by searching for the top 10 best web hosting sites.
Some web hosting sites offer domain names. If you want to have more than one domain, this may be an option for you. If you are unsure on how to get set up, the web hosting company will get you set up for free. The company should have a number that you can call them, just in case you ever need them. Once you are set up, you should expect to get more traffic to your site. If you have a product that customers want, they will more than likely purchase it.
You could start to double your income by having the right domain name and web hosting site. You will start to wonder why you didn’t do this a long time ago. In order to have a successful business, you must have the right tools. All successful business owners were able to get traffic to their site by using the right tools.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reasons To Get Into Network Marketing

Network marketing is a work from home job that can offer independence and rewards. When you become a network marketer, you will be set on a team, but the majority of the work is done by you. Your job is to sell the products through all forms of advertising, such as social networking and forum posting. If you already know how to advertise, this task will not be hard at all. You will just need to convince others to make a purchase. If you have a good reputation online through different social medias, you will be able to make sales.
You can work as long as you want on a daily basis. You can work three hours in the daytime and three hours at night. There is no rule that you have to work for a straight six to eight hours like you would on a regular job. You are in control of everything that goes into being successful in the business. If you need to tend to an emergency, you can leave your work at home and tend to the emergency. Your work will still be there for you when you return home.
You will be able to spend more time with your family. For example, you can go out with your family anytime that you want to. Unlike, a regular job, you would have to schedule your family time around your job. Take a much needed vacation. You will have the option to work while you are on vacation. As long as you have a laptop computer and have access to the Internet, you can work anytime while you are on your vacation. Most individuals have Internet access on their cell phones. You can check your email or webpage to see if you have made a profit.
As a network marketer, you can make as much money as you want. Decide on how much money you want to make each month. Figure out how many sales you will need to make on a daily basis to achieve your goal. You may become fortunate enough to make more than you expected.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Network Marketing for College Students

Many college students have hard time getting the extra money that they need to pay for books and personal expenses. There parents may not be able to send them money, so they have to locate a part-time job while attending school. Many businesses do not like to hire college students since they prefer to hire full-time staff. A college student can earn some money while attending school by getting into network marketing. The student should have a personal laptop computer, so that they can work anytime of the day or night.
Locate a network marketing company by visiting a home business forum that offers a network marketing folder. Search the folder for a list of network marketing companies that you can join. If links are provided, click on each link to see what the network marketing company is all about. Before choosing a network marketing company to join, ask other members in the forum about the company. The other members may have done business with the network marketing company and can provide any positive or negative feedback.
Join the network marketing company of your choice and create a free blog. Post banners and pictures of the products on your blog. Write product reviews on different products to let potential customers know how a product is before they make a purchase. Some network marketing companies will send you samples of their products. It will be helpful to try out the product before writing a review since you can provide an honest review about the product.
Promote your blog on social networking sites that you visit. Read the sites policy on self-promoting before posting your blog. Whenever you make a comment on a friend’s page, just post a link underneath your comment. Their friends will see the link and may become curious and click on the link. Place a short description underneath the link to let potential customers know about the product that you are selling. It should include the benefits and any specials that may be going on.
While you are in class, you may be able to gain sales. You do not need to be on your laptop all of the time to make a sale. Since your blog will reach a large audience, anyone can make a purchase. You may even be able to get customers from your class.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Work In Network Marketing From Home

Many people are choosing to go work from home instead of working out of the house since it is more convenient. You are your own boss. No one will tell you when to get up to go to work. It is up to you when and how much you work. You do not have to commute to work. In network marketing, all of your work is completed on your computer. You can save money on childcare expenses since you will be home the majority of the time. You do not even have to get up out of the bed to go to work. You can work in your pajamas while working on your laptop.
Your daily schedule will consist of doing one thing, which is getting as many sales as possible. You will need to locate as many sites to advertise your blog or Web page. The more people that see your products, the more sales you can bring in. Promote your page on sites that you visit on a daily basis. Read the sites rules before posting a link since you can be banned for life. You will be doing the same routine every day. You may want to tweak how you promote your page, by adding a description underneath your link to get people interested in the product.
As a network marketer, you can work as long as you want. When you joined the network marketing company, they let you know how much profit you would receive per sale. You may have figured out how many sales you would need in order to reach a certain goal. After you have reached your goal, you can take the rest of the time off. You can take as much time off as you want since you are a network marketer. You can take a family vacation and when you come back you will still have your job. Even if you happen to get sick, you do not need to call your boss to let him know that you will not be in for work. You will also have more freedom to do things that you enjoy doin

Monday, August 22, 2011

Earn Money By Network Marketing

Network marketing is a growing business that many people are getting into. In order to get started with a network marketing business, you must be motivated because you will have to do some selling. Not everyone will want to buy your product. If one person says no to you, you have to keep going to the next one. You can have a successful network marketing business, if you have a good product, sellers, and advertising techniques. In no time, you can be earning a decent living and going on vacations with your family.
Find a product that you know that consumers want. If you are a member of a home business forum, they have a function where you can conduct a poll. List a few products that you are interested in selling. Allow the members to choose. The product with the most votes is the product that you will need to get your hands on. When it comes to the product, you do not have to stock up, since your sellers will need to be able to get their hands on it quickly as well. The product can be purchased from wholesalers.
Recruit sellers through the home business forum, ask family, and friends. If you don’t have a webpage yet, you will need to let people know what you are selling and how much they can expect to receive from a sale. You will be able to get more sellers if the price is right. You will also need to let them know how much it will cost them to sign up. Make sure that it isn’t too expensive.
Purchase a domain name and web hosting. You can find out what domain name and web hosting program is the best one by searching online for the top 10 web hosting programs or asking forum members. You can also create a Google AdWords, where Google will advertise your business for you. You will need to use Google’s Keyword Tool to find the right keywords that will get traffic to your site. The best keywords to use are long tail ones, such as network marketing business.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Supplement Your Income As A Network Marketer

Many people have to take a second job in order to meet their daily needs. They may not be able to obtain another outside job since the business may not be hiring or they may not have the experience needed. Working from home as a network marketer will allow you to supplement your income. In order to work as a network marketer, you will need to join a reputable network marketing company. You can locate network marketing companies by conducting an Internet search for the top companies. Click on several links until you find the right company. The company that you choose should offer products that you know will sell.
Make sure that you can go to a Web page instead of seeing a short description of a company. The page should have their contact information listed just in case you want to contact them. Find out how long the network marketing has been in business. They should have been in business for at least five years. When you are ready to take the next step, join the company. Read the information thoroughly before jumping right in and promoting. Start promoting your products by posting the page that they have given you at sites that allow you to promote.
You may not get a sale instantly, but the information that you received should give you an idea on how to go about promoting your page and making a sale. If after a week, you are having a hard time making a sale, contact your team leader, so he or she can help you. He will make sure that you are at his level in sales. When it comes to how long you should promote your page, treat it like a part time job. You can promote your page for four hours or even eight hours.
Figure out how much money you will need to make each week. Decide on how many sales are needed to obtain your goal. Once you have met your weekly goal, you do not have to work anymore for that week, unless you want to. If you feel like you do not want to work for a few days, you can take off without being penalized.
Tags: Network+Marketer

Monday, August 15, 2011

Obtain A Second Job As A Network Marketer

Many workers are choosing to obtain a second job from home since it is more convenient for them. One work from home job that you may want to consider is network marketing. Network marketing involves promoting a product for a profit. The profit that you will receive will be a percentage of the sales that you will make. There may be a small investment in order to get started, but you will not notice it since you will end up getting the money back from sales that you make. In order to begin working in network marketing, you must locate a company that offers the products you want to sell or products that consumers want and need.
Join a work from home forum to find out which network marketing company is the best to join. If you do not have a preference, you may want to sign up under a member in the forum. Before joining, you may want to know what type of money the member is making. Find out if it has been difficult for him to make a profit. In network marketing, it may seem overwhelming since you have no experience in selling products. You will not be alone when you work as a network marketer. You will be on a team with a leader. You can ask your team members or leader about how to make sales. Your leader will get you to where she is in sales.
When it comes to how long you should work as a network marketer per day is up to you. You can start out slow and work for three to four hours in the evening. Your main task is to advertise your Web page in order to gain sales. There are many places that will allow you to promote your page. One thing to remember is that if you have a good product that consumers want, they will purchase it, especially if they get something in return such as free samples. You will automatically be credited when a customer buys a product under you. The banner or page will have a personal id attached, so that the company will know who to give credit to.

Friday, August 12, 2011

How To Become The Next Network Marketing Success Story

Becoming a Network Marketing success story may seem simple on the surface. You join a company whose leadership and products you believe in, tell others about your opportunity, and then collect your check at the end of the month.  What could be simpler?  But given the fact that 97% of all network marketers ultimately fail and quit, it is most definitely not that easy.
Why is this?
What do the other 3% who are ridiculously successful do differently than the masses?
I’ve been a student of leadership and success for quite some time and I’ve found that network marketing success boils down to 4 main areas of importance.  In fact, if you can master these 4 skill sets you will practically guarantee that others will see you as a Network Marketing success guru, and you’ll be the one on stage at your company’s live events picking up your winnings.
It is the key to surviving and flourishing in the network marketing community.

I call this the 4 M’s in the Network Marketing Success Formula:


Why are you starting a business in the first place?  Most people answer this question with the ever-popular responses of getting rid of debt or gaining more freedom in their lives. But everyone wants that!
Perhaps the better question is, “What would you do with your money once you have no more debt and have the financial and time freedom you covet?”
That’s where it gets interesting, because that’s usually when people start talking about giving back.  And giving back to others is the cornerstone of one’s mission.
If the reason you are starting a business is for you and you alone, then chances are you will be one of the 97% that fail.


Maybe you’ve heard the saying, “Mindset before skill set.” That’s because without the proper mindset, all the marketing skills in the world won’t help. You have to be able to think and act like a successful entrepreneur even before you are one.
Quite possibly one of the hardest shifts for new business owners is making the shift from the 9-5 victim mentality to the mindset of an entrepreneur. Yet it is just this shift that is a non-negotiable pre-requisite to network marketing success.


There are dozens of ways to market, online and offline. But it is essential that network marketers become proficient and expert in at least one or two methods of marketing.
For some it may be making videos. Others may excel at writing articles and press releases. Still other, more analytical types may gravitate towards paid search marketing.
Spending money on getting the best training and marketing education is definitely dollars well spent. Once your mission and mindset are in place, marketing will drive your business machine.


Here, I am referring to the business model of your company. You can have all other aspects of the formula in place, but if you are stuck in a company with a mickey mouse compensation plan or an inefficient business model, all of your work will be for nothing. You must look for an opportunity or company with lucrative compensation and a mechanism for teaching your new team members to become proficient marketers and entrepreneurs.
These are the 4 M’s to becoming a Network Marketing success.
Once you excel in all four areas, there is no place for you to go but to the very top.
To YOUR success!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Making the Right Choice about Network Marketing

When the internet was a rather new concept for the average home, network marketing businesses were one of the few choices people had for online income. While that has changed in the 21st century, some people still have mixed feelings about earning income within the scope of a network. There are several factors you must consider in order to determine if being part of a network is the right type of online business for you.
One of the most important factors to keep in mind before you make a decision on the type of online business you want for yourself is the type of income you are seeking. While a network business can provide some form of immediate income, they are designed primarily for those who want a residual income. The idea is to bring more people into your network and generate income from those new prospects.
There are several types of incomes within a network marketing business—sometimes as many as seven or eight different income streams. These income streams originate from money you earn as a sponsor based upon the sales volume of others within your network. These income streams flow upward to you from those you personally sponsored as well those within that network. This source is only one of the income streams you are likely to find within a networking business.
Bonuses for various sales levels comprise another income stream. These will vary within different organizations, and is based on the achievement level of each person within the network. Your achievements will increase based on the total sales volume of the network as will the amount of your bonuses.
The dollar value of the income streams is progressive, and this includes the residual income. If you are looking for something that will allow you to retire while you are still young enough to enjoy it or will just provide a comfortable retirement income, this type of business will help you reach those goals. However, if you are looking for immediate income to meet current needs and desires, you may wish to look to something more in the area of e-commerce and online sales.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

College Students Work As A Network Marketer

College students have a hard time making a decent living since many companies prefer someone with experience. Many college students will end up working at low-paying jobs in order to make some money. If a college student is having a hard time locating work, they may work at home or in their dorm room. They will need a laptop computer with Internet access and a small fee. They can work when they want to since you will be an independent contractor. An independent contractor is responsible for his or her own taxes and insurance. The student needs to go online and join a free home business forum to locate information on network marketing.
In the network marketing forum, other members will be able to give you advice on which companies are the best to join. They may even get you to join under them. Once you join and pay your fee, the first place you can post your link at the home business forum. Read the forum rules at first on self-promoting. Edit your signature and place the link in the signature page. Whenever you make a post, your link will automatically appear. Many network marketing companies will give you a page with a personal id attached to your page. You can start working immediately. On the other hand, you may not be given anything, but banners to place on your blog or Web page.
If you can afford it, invest in a domain name and web hosting for your Web page. By having the right domain name, when Internet users conduct a search, your page will appear. Your domain name should be at least two to five keywords long that describes your business. For example, if you are selling lip gloss, you may want “natural lip gloss” as a domain name. Find out if the keywords are highly searched by using one of the free keyword tools online. When selecting your domain name, the suffix should be a .com or .net since many Internet users search with those suffixes. Promote your page on as many free sites as you can. You should post to at least five to 10 sites a day.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How To Become a Network Marketing Leader That Others Will Follow

Yesterday, I wrote about the need to focus your attention on yourself rather than your MLM company and becoming more of a leader.  What I didn’t tell you was HOW.
become a network marketing leaderJust how do you become the kind of network marketing leader that others will want to follow?
It may seem like a long road, especially if you’re just staring out but like everything else it’s really not that hard when you break it down into smaller steps.
I use the acronym L-A-T-H-E-R to describe the 6 steps to becoming an effective Network Marketing leader, or for that matter a leader in any aspect of your life.  When you complete these 6 steps, people will literally throw themselves at you to get your attention.
People instinctually want to follow a leader.
YOU can be that leader!  It’s not that hard.
L — LEARN new things. In Network Marketing, that means learning new skills that will help you grow your business.  One warning here – don’t try to learn everything.  Pick one or two skills that interest you and learn as much as you can.  In this way, you’ll be seen as an expert, and this is part of what leadership is all about — being an expert in something.  So get on those webinars and training calls.  Purchase a great training program and learn something new.  Make yourself more valuable to others.
A — APPLY what you’ve learned. This used to be a huge stumbling block for me.  I love to learn, but for some reason I found it hard to test out what I had just learned.  You need to apply what you’ve learned to understand it’s effectiveness and the pitfalls that others might come up against.  People want to see that something works, because it gives them hope it will work for them.  Apply what you learn and show the results!  Now that’s powerful!
T — TEACH others.  Now that you’ve learned some new skills or technique and you’ve applied what you learned, it’s time to TEACH others how to do the same.  Most people LOVE to learn new things, and by being the teacher you will automatically be seen as a leader and an expert (assuming you do a good job teaching).  Teaching others what you know is the first real step in this process that separates the Marketers from the Leaders.  Teaching others is a sure way to be seen as a Leader.
H — HELP others when asked.  Now, I’m not talking about spending every minute of your free time responding to calls for help.  But if you’re going to be a leader, you’ll need (and want) to help others with their challenges.  You can organize this so it’s not so overwhelming on your time — set up a Q&A webinar or allow people to schedule Free 15 minute consultations with you at designated times.  However you decide to do it, HELPING others is a key ingredient to the leadership formula.  When you help solve the problems of others, you are a true leader.
E– EMPOWER and ENCOURAGE others.  This is a huge part of leadership, because it gives others hope that they can and will succeed.  When you empower people, you provide them with the tools to succeed on their own, independent of others.  They can do this!  And by Encouraging others, you will become a Believer that they will succeed.  When someone else believes you can do something, you naturally start to believe it yourself.
R – RESPECT your followers. When someone feels like you respect them and understand where they’re coming from, they will be drawn to your message.  Respect is a two way street.  If you want to be respected as a leader, you must respect the people who are  following you.  Take the time to ASK and LISTEN.  Truly understand the challenges that your followers have, their biggest fears that keep them up at night, and their dreams that seem so far away.  Respect theme enough to understand them and you will have a follower and fan for life.
There you have it — the 6 steps to become THE Network Marketing Leader that others will do anything to follow.
Just remember the acronym L*A*T**H*E*R.
Practice these 6 steps religiously and you’ll evolve into the kind of leader that will have a huge following.  You’ll love what you’re doing because you’ll be helping others solve their problems and realizing their dreams in a natural, comfortable way.  You won’t be pitching your business opportunity – there will be NO need to pitch.

People will just naturally want to join you…. to Follow the Leader!

How do YOU see Leadership?  LEAVE A COMMENT and let’s get a conversation going that will help others (and you’ll be seen as a leader for contributing!).
Become a leader and start having FUN in your business!
Til next time,

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How To Choose A Network Marketing Company

Network marketing is the best choice for people who no longer want to work in the traditional company and for those who wishes to start their own business. Network marketing is also called as multi-level marketing. People choose this network marketing business to make some extra money. It is very important to work with the reliable and reputable network marketing company to be own boss, to work on the own schedule, and to work on own pace. Therefore a company should be carefully chosen.
The network marketing companies can be researched online. There are many associations available for this business that has a list of reliable companies in this field. Also, these associations provide more information about the company and help the aspiring marketers while they are evaluating about the company. Some of the qualities of the company should be well analyzed such as the number of years of the company in business, average compensation for the distributors, support or training for the distributors, high quality products, and positive encouragement.
Next important thing is to talk with the people in the network marketing business, especially with these who are in the chosen network marketing company. These people will definitely provide an idea about the business as well as the company. Interested people should attend information sessions and most network marketing company conducts information session and welcome new people to their meetings. Also, meetings are the great way to meet new people in the local area who will support the new members in their business.
Therefore, a person can look for the introduction or information session of the particular company in the nearby area. The marketers must believe in the product and they should use it before selling to build trust with the product. Next step is to check the demand and interest among the people for the products. The demand should be high if the marketers wish to stay in the business for many years. Next process is to sign up as the distributor with the company either online or through the local distributor. Finally, the marketers can start their business.
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