Personally, I do most of my sponsoring and business building online. It fits in with my style and circumstances better. For many people, the offline world of network marketing is the best choice. You have to consider how much time and money you have available for building your business.
Network Marketing – the Online Approach
Building your business online has several advantages. Among them:
- ability to reach many more prospects with a given amount of effort
- you can have business presentations with e-books, audio, and video available 24 hours a day
- you can more easily build your business if you have odd working hours or do shift work
- buying quality advertising is expensive and knowing where to place ads can be tricky
- you can promote your business free but it requires a significant time investment and results can be slow
The advantages of building your business offline include:
- prospects can see, touch, and feel your products (this is a big advantage)
- you have a “real person” presence that can help with sponsoring (people want to know you are real)
- you can often communicate better with prospects when you can talk face to face
- time spent away from home while meeting prospects and doing presentations
- you are limited to prospects in your area (ok in a big city maybe, not so great in a small town)
In general, I encourage new MLM distributors to start their business offline. This gives you a chance to learn your products, and to get good questions and comments from prospects. People you contact locally are often more likely to provide feedback than total strangers you meet online. Once you have a good feel for your products and business, by all means go online if you are ready.
If you want to go online with your network marketing business, understand that you will work just as hard (or even harder) to build your business, but your growth can potentially be much faster. Online, you will need to advertise and establish a presence, which will cost some money. If you have no money to advertise, you can work message boards and forums but you need to spend a lot of time doing this to get good results.
Either way, you can make good money with network marketing and MLM. Just choose the business method that best fits your circumstances.