As your “Inbox” grows, this can be both a blessing and a curse. The blessing is (hopefully) lots of inquiries from prospects. The curse is dealing with all the other mail you get that isn’t really very important. You will find that home business entrepreneurs get a lot of spam mail.
Quick suggestion – use one primary email address for correspondence with your prospects and customers. Try to keep this one private (don’t publish it on a web site). Create another address to use for everything else, such as signing up for mailing lists or posting on public message boards. This type of address will get most of the spam.
Here is a simple procedure I learned that might help you.
- Check your email only when you have a few minutes to respond and deal with whatever is in there
- Read the oldest mail first, and work your way up dealing with only one email at a time
- Follow this path: read it and reply, or —> read it and do right now whatever action is needed, or —> read it and delete
Don’t allow yourself to leave things in your Inbox, thinking “that’s interesting, I’ll take a look later”. I remember when I used to have 400-500 emails accumulated in my Inbox at any given time. Talk about a nightmare!
If the email is about something you must do but can’t do now, make a note on your calendar but then DELETE the email. Don’t let things stack up in your Inbox and get cluttered. Don’t create a bunch of folders to store emails that you “might need someday”, unless there is a really valid reason to do so.
It all boils down to dealing with your email as it arrives, and not letting it get backlogged and piled up. Try it – the reduction of stress you’ll feel is a joy!
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