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Monday, September 8, 2008

Do You Recognize the Four Early Warning Signs of Armchair MLM?

are you an armchair mlm\'er?If you are new to network marketing, you are no doubt excited and want to get everything organized and prepared before you begin.
It’s a great idea to get your basic plan and your business tools together before you get started, and I do recommend spending time doing this.
While getting things ready, be careful not to fall into a common trap. This trap might be called “Armchair MLM”. Your intentions are good, and you really believe you are on the right track. There is one thing missing, though.
The Four Symptoms of Armchair MLM
  • spending time trying to plan every possible way to do your business
  • organizing your workspace, promotional material, everything over and over
  • thinking about what you are going to do…going to do…
  • reading anything you can get your hands on about building your business
All of these things are good if you do them in a timely fashion. The trap is when you spend the majority of your time doing these things. Sometime, if you lack confidence or are afraid to get started, you can become an “Armchair MLM’er”. This makes you feel like you are doing something, but in reality you are repeating the same things over and over and not really accomplishing anything.
How You Make Money in MLM / Network Marketing
The only way you make money in network marketing and MLM is to see the people. Talk to prospects. Present you business. Take action. Endless planning and preparation might give you the feeling that you are “almost ready”, but it won’t put any money in your pocket.
Here is the bottom line. Many new network marketers find themselves consumed with working on details that are non-essential. This detailed preparation does little other than take time away from doing the fundamental things that build your business. Talk to people, advertise your business, pick up the phone and call prospects, answer questions, make presentations – these are the things that make your business

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