Of all the things you need to do for success in network marketing and MLM, prospecting for new associates is right at the top of the list. Message boards and forums can be very good sources for leads, if you use them correctly.
Here are four keys for effectively using message boards and forums to promote your network marketing and MLM business.
The Purpose of Message Boards and Forums
First, understand that the purpose of these message boards and forums is for members to exchange ideas and information. On the good boards (the ones you want to use), there is no tolerance for advertising or spam. You never want to post an outright ad or promotion for your MLM business, unless the forum has designated a place specifically for posting ads.
Building Your Reputation
Second, your objective is to build your reputation as a leader and a contributor. Before you begin posting, take time to get a feel for that particular community and what is going on there.
Think of it this way – if you go into a room where a group of people are gathered, do you walk to the middle of the room and shout “Hi, I’m Jack! If you want to make more money, I have something to show you!”
Of course not. What you would want to do is take some time to mingle and get to know the people in the room. Why are they there? What are their interests? The same thing applies to message boards.
Learning to Contribute
Third, when you have an idea what the board is all about, begin looking for opportunities to contribute. Answer questions, join discussions, and start some of your own. People will begin to get to know you, and perhaps have an interest in what you do. This is where you get your leads.
Creating a Signature
Fourth, create a signature to display below your posts. Make sure you participate in forums that allow this – most do. A signature can be simple or elaborate, just be sure to check the rules and forum guidelines to find out what is acceptable.
A simple signature could look like this:
Eldon Beard
Learn How to Build a Profitable Network Marketing Business
Visit http://networkmarketingnow.com
For additional tips on promoting yourself on message boards and forums, including how to find the right boards to post on, check out the short video I made on this subject:
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