I have watched people come into this business who seemed to have a lot going for them. Intelligence. Ambition. Money to spend on advertising and promotion. Time to work the business. Still, after all was said and done, they failed.
Often, you can take a close look at what attempts they made to get their MLM business started and learn a lot.
Some Great Excuses
I have heard some of the best excuses ever.
“I ran some ads on Google and spent $500 and didn’t get any good leads”
“I bought 10,000 email addresses for ‘fresh hot opportunity seekers’ and didn’t get one decent lead from it”
“I purchased 25,000 impressions for my web site on traffic exchanges and nobody joined”
Not surprisingly, the ultimate conclusion from the above experiences was, “MLM doesn’t work”.
What Really Happened
Here is what really happened.
The guy who ran the Google ads was advised by his upline to wait and study up on how to use that method effectively, but chose to ignore that advice and rush in. (Hint – you can lose a lot of money really fast with Google Adwords if you don’t learn how to do it first)
The lady who bought the list of 10,000 “fresh hot opportunity seekers” didn’t research and learn about email marketing first. She didn’t realize that most of these lists are not very responsive. The leads have normally been sold over and over to many different people. She had no idea that little things like the subject of the email and the actual message really matter.
The man who purchased the impressions on traffic exchanges didn’t do his research either. He was advertising his opportunity to other people whose focus was on advertising THEIR OPPORTUNITY to him. (Hint – advertising on traffic exchanges can work, if you promote the right product or service. These are not very good for promoting MLM).
In all these cases, people with money to spend rushed in and bought advertising without taking any time to learn about how to make it work. This is the key that so many new MLM’ers miss – you really need to learn what you are doing before you dive in.
Do some research. Talk to people in your upline who are successful. Find out how others have been successfully advertising MLM businesses and learn how they did it. Don’t believe hyped up pitches for “ad blasters”, “free classified ad submitters”, and things like that. They do not work well for our type of business.
The good news is, all of this information is out there on the Internet, and much of it is freely available. You do have to spend some time searching, but in the end it will pay off for you big time.
If you spend time learning the skills you need, and apply them with help from others who have been successful, there really is no excuse for failure in MLM.
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