If they are new to network marketing (or had little success in past ventures), encourage them to learn the basics first. It is important for them to learn how to prospect and sponsor before venturing into unknown waters (such as building a business online).
Going online is considered by many the way to go these days. Many new network marketers come in and immediately want to build their business online. I think building a business online is great, because you can contact many more potential prospects over time. However, I have some reservations about trying to get started online right away.
I recommend that new network marketers learn the business locally by working with prospects they already know (the “warm market”). This allows them to work on presentation skills and sponsoring in an environment where they will get valuable feedback. Warm market friends and contacts are likely to offer constructive and helpful comments, and ask many questions that the new networker needs to learn how to answer.
Once they have the basics down and have successfully sponsored a few local distributors, then the time is right to move online. They will be much better prepared at this point.
Consider the advantages of having new associates start out with their warm market.
- They can more easily make a connection and a presentation with someone they know
- Their prospect knows them, or was referred to them by a friend, and will be open to listening
- They will have actual products that the prospect can see and possibly try – a huge advantage
- Their prospect, being a friend, will likely ask questions and offer feedback that others won’t
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