To begin setting your income targets, here are two things to consider right off the top:
What do you want to make from your business (full time or supplemental income)?
How much do you need to earn to achieve this?
Once you are clear about how much money you need, you can begin to plan how you want to work your business. It will be easier to figure out what to do next.
To get started:
1) Be specific about how much you want to make. Don’t say “I want to make some extra money to help pay expenses”. This isn’t clear and specific. It is better to say “I need to be making $2000 per month by next August”. This is specific and gives you a foundation for creating a plan to achieve that level of income.
2) Make your income targets realistic. Consider your business and what you can really achieve over a given period of time. It might be quite realistic to plan for $1000 per month after six months, but unrealistic to expect that level of income in two months. For help with this, get with those in your upline who are successful and making the kind of money you want.
3) Set both long and short term targets. Short term might be something like $1500 per month net after one year. Long term could be $4000 per month after three years. You can then break these targets down further and create a plan of action for achieving them.
The purpose of doing this is to give yourself some firm direction. Going into a network marketing business with the idea of “making all you can” is not really very clear. Without some vision and direction, it will be easy to drift along and make a little here and there, but never what you really want or need.
Let this be one step of your overall plan for your network marketing or MLM home business – I promise it will make working your business the right way a whole lot easier.
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