Ground Floor Opportunities Can Be Exciting
Signing up with a new network marketing company can be very appealing for a number of reasons. There will be a new product line that no-one has seen before. There will be benefits that no other products have (at least this is what the promotions will say). There will likely be a highly touted compensation plan that may have a few new twists and bonuses built in.
“Get in now, this hot new product will take the market by storm. Don’t delay, do it today!”
Here is the bottom line. Going with a new startup opportunity is a gamble. If you have time and money available to promote it, and understand the odds of a startup making it long-term, the possibilities can be exciting. After all, the most successful network marketing opportunities today were at one time startups.
Thus, it might seem that going with a ground floor opportunity is the best bet. But wait, think about it a minute. Listen to the hype. If they say you have to get in now…if the opportunity is only good in the beginning stages…what will it be like one year, two years, and ten years down the line?
What Happens After the “Ground Floor”?
A solid, legitimate network marketing business will still be a great opportunity long after the “ground floor” stage has passed. The newness or freshness of an opportunity is not what gives it longevity and stability. The key is having great products, fair prices, and smart management that knows how to lead a successful business into the future.
My recommendation is to focus on established opportunities that have stood the test of time (at least two years of successful business, preferably longer).
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