Along with the fun and excitement, there are occasional moments when you may feel discouraged or stressed. You may feel like you’ve hit a slump. Things that were once easy now seem hard. Not a problem! This happens to all of us. It’s part of human nature. When you encounter these pesky little curves in the road, take a little time to relax and refresh some things in your head.
Are You Feeling Overwhelmed by Tasks and Details?
This is one of the most common stumbling blocks encountered when building a home business. To be successful, you have to do certain tasks, many of them over and over each day. The more your business grows (to a point), the more tasks and details you are likely to have. When you start feeling overwhelmed, you begin to feel discouraged and tired.
Make sure you have a system in place to keep track of everything you need to do. Sticky notes and cork boards won’t cut it. You need a way to organize all your important actions and make them easy to remember. You want a system that will automatically remind you of things, either by sounding an alarm or sending you an email or text message. Having this will relieve a LOT of stress you would otherwise feel.
One such system that I use, and have found to be really effective, is “Remember the Milk”. This is a powerful, and completely free, online system for organizing your life.
Check it out here: http://www.rememberthemilk.com
Are You and Your Family on the Same Page?
If you have a family, it is important for them to be on the same page with you. After all, your business is taking time away from other things you could be doing together. They need to clearly see what they stand to gain from your success. This could be a better lifestyle, or more time to do things together once you reach a certain level of success.
Be sure you are all in harmony on this. Your spouse and children should be your biggest cheerleaders and supporters. I learned early on that trying to build a home business without the understanding and blessing of your family is not a lot of fun. Once our family got this all squared away and understood each other, things started to accelerate quickly.
Are You Wondering Why You Started Your Business?
When times get tough, and challenges mount, you might start wondering why you are even trying to build a home business. You can look back and think of your initial enthusiasm and wonder if you are still the same person. Don’t worry – this is not unusual.
To get past this:
- recall the benefits that motivated you to start your business
- visualize the results of achieving the benefits you desire
- feel the actual emotions and joy you’ll experience
Ready to Clear Your Head and Get Refreshed?
No matter how much you enjoy building your home business, there are times when you simply need to get away. I do a lot of writing, and sometime I have to just push myself away from the keyboard. I really enjoy writing, but the mental exercise (while stimulating) can be draining after a while. Walk away from your computer or working area sometime and do something different.
- go for a walk – take a little digital voice recorder along in case you get a burst of inspiration
- drive to a nearby bookstore and just browse – this is one way I relax and pick up a lot of fresh ideas
- read a book or magazine not directly related to your business, just for something different
Enjoy building a home business. Be aware that the occasional down time will come, and be prepared to deal with it quickly. Don’t let anything hold you back for long – you deserve success!
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