Your initial contact with your MLM leads may be by email. However, for the most success in sponsoring these opportunity seekers, you’ll want to talk to them by phone whenever possible.
When it comes time to make that call, even a tiny little cell phone can feel like it weighs a ton! Many people in this business dread picking up the phone to call leads and prospects. Three of the biggest mental blocks to making those calls can be:
1) a fear of not knowing what to say
2) a fear of being asked questions you can’t answer
3) a fear of coming across poorly and being rejected
Here are six tips to help overcome these fears, and give you confidence to call your MLM leads with no fear.
Be a Serious Student of Your MLM Business
Take time to learn as much as you can about your products, your company, and your opportunity in general – this is one of the first things you should do and is often neglected or skimmed over. The more comfortable and familiar you feel with your business, the more confidence you’ll have when you talk to your prospects. This will help eliminate that nagging feeling of “what if they ask about ______.” Be prepared.
Don’t Worry About Knowing Everything There is to Know
Understand that nobody expects you to know everything about your business. It is actually a point in your favor if you admit you’re not sure about something and then follow up soon with the answer. Your prospects appreciate your honesty, and this gives you another opportunity to contact them and continue building that initial relationship. Don’t worry about knowing everything there is to know, just be prepared to answer the basic questions that any new prospect might ask.
Get Your Cheat Sheet Ready
Create and have a “cheat sheet” ready. With the help of your successful upline leaders, prepare an outline of the questions and key points you’ll want to address with your prospect. Practice these over and over until you feel comfortable with each one. Try not to write an exact script and read it verbatim, because it will be easy to tell you’re just reading and it turns people off. A structure that you follow in your conversation is good – and almost everyone needs this.
Don’t You Love to do Role Playing?
Get with your upline and have fun – do some role playing! I KNOW this sounds silly, and may seem to be a waste of time. However, it really does help give you confidence when talking with an actual prospect. Of course, a real conversation will never be just like a role play you’ve done, but the idea is practicing to gain confidence and fluency in discussing your opportunity. In a role play, your partner plays the part of the prospect, and you play…you. This can be very helpful if you take it seriously.
Chill Out First, Then Call Your MLM Leads
Be sure you are feeling positive and upbeat before calling any of your MLM leads. Sometime there is the urge to “just do it” at times when you shouldn’t. Had a bad day? Get past it before making those calls. If you feel down or negative, it comes across in your voice no matter how hard you try to hide it. If your attitude is “sigh…I gotta go make those calls to my leads”, try to get a little more fired up and enthused first.
You Were Once an MLM Lead, Too
Always remember that your MLM leads are people just like you and I – no matter how fantastic your presentation is, or how great your voice sounds, there are some that just won’t like it. Some won’t like you no matter what you do. Some people don’t like anyone, actually. Don’t take this personally. You absolutely cannot please everyone – just be yourself, be upbeat, and do your best. You’ll see that the law of averages will work in your favor.
To sum it up – if you struggle with making phone calls to your MLM leads and prospects, you are not alone! Many MLM business builders have the same issue. I promise, if you put the ideas above into practice and don’t give up, you’ll become a master at making these calls. No doubt, you’ll encounter some rude or unpleasant prospects, but don’t let them stop you. It always gets better.
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