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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Your Home Business – Are You All Stressed Out by the Last Minute Rush to Meet Deadlines?

rushing to meet last minute deadlineAs a home business builder, do you sometime find yourself all stressed out because you reached certain deadlines on time, but did so at the LAST MINUTE? This is actually a pretty common event for many of us. When you are the master of your own time, and your own boss, it is easier to fall into this habit.
On the other hand, would you believe there are people who actually get a rush from the challenge of accomplishing tasks at the last minute? They actually procrastinate and hold off on things, sometime subconsciously, but often purposely.
They are the folks who’ll tell you they have to be under pressure to get things done, and they seem to be unable to complete tasks much ahead of the absolute last possible moment.
If you’re not the “I need my last minute rush fix” type, and you want to avoid being last minute on everything, practice these proven time management tips to make your home business run more smoothly.
  • write a “to do” list and put everything on it, including home business tasks and personal things you must attend to between business activities
  • put priorities on everything – make sure you get the most important things first and focus on getting them done
  • take action – all your dreams for your home business are dead in the water if you don’t take action and make things happen
  • take on the hardest, most unpleasant tasks early in your day – this makes the rest of the day fly by
  • take frequent breaks and reward yourself – focus on your home business tasks hard for an hour or two, then allow yourself time to do something for pleasure
These simple and (I know) often repeated tips are seriously effective. This is why you see them listed so often. They work, but there are just so many ways to say them.
So, avoid getting stressed out by last minute finishes and take action to put your home business and your life in order. Your body will thank you, and your increased productivity and income will reward you.

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