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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Your Best Year Ever – Part 1

If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking to make more money. You’ve most likely started your own network marketing business as one way to do this.
When it comes down to it, how do you make more money? What does it take? What has to happen?
Should you patiently wait for a raise from your job?
Are you hanging in hoping for more people to join your network marketing business from the efforts you’ve made?
Waiting is something we all have to do, but nobody likes to just wait around and “hope” for something to happen. How can you turn your life around in such a way that you can start making money faster?
Here is part one of a three part series by Jim Rohn, a noted success coach and motivational speaker. This part reveals a key to having your best year ever, starting now…

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