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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 1: Build Your Foundation

So where do you start? Just how do you go about starting the process of building a successful and profitable MLM/Network Markerting business?

And how do you do it when you’re:

* Working a Full Time or Part Time job?
* Running a brick and mortar business?
* Taking care of the kids?
* Caring for your elderly parents?

Or all of the above?

As with anything else, you start by building a strong foundation… and in this case, that means getting things in order so that you can start laying the cornerstones for your successful home business….

Carve Out Your Real Estate

Simply put, find a place — even if its a tiny corner of your spare room — to call your “home office”. This is a place that you call home — as in home business.

This is your private place. Equip it with everything you’ll need to run your business — phone, computer, printer… whatever you think you’ll need. It doesn’t matter at first, you’ll figure out exactly what you need as time goes by.

The important thing here is to have a private place DEDICATED to your business… a place that everyone in the household understands — and respects — as your office.
Set Your Schedule – Getting Everyone On Board

If you live by yourself, this one is easy. Figure out how many hours each day you can spend on your business and put it in writing. Then stick to it.

But what if you have a family or others vying for your time and attention.? Then it becomes a bit harder.

In this case, setting a schedule is even MORE important.

Sit down with your family or friends, or anyone else who will need your time. Explain your goals and your need for some private time to build your business. Share with them the huge upside of building a profitable home business; possibly even explain “what’s in it for them” once you succeed (this one is great to use with a spouse or friend who is less than supportive).

Once everyone agrees — STICK TO IT.

HINT: It doesn’t matter so much how MANY hours you spend each day on your business. What matters most is that you are CONSISTENT in keeping to your schedule. As things start to pick up and the money starts appearing, you’ll naturally be spending even more time on your business.

For now, even if it’s 1 hour a day, then schedule that hour as business time and don’t waver. Stick to your schedule.

Treat your home business schedule as if you were going to another job. A job where you accountable to your boss for showing up on time and working the hours that were agreed upon. Except this time you are the boss — NEVER let yourself off the hook.
Multi-Task — But Only When It Makes Sense

I’m not a big fan of multi-tasking. I’m a firm believer of doing one thing at a time — doing it well — and then moving on to the next goal on your list.

But there is a time and a place for mult-tasking.


Here’s what I mean….

If time is limited for you, if you’re so busy that you worry each day about finding the time for your home business, then you can — and MUST– utilize every spare second wisely.

That means identifying the time you waste each day waiting on line at the supermarket, at doctors appointments, waiting for the kids soccer practice to end, etc…. and using that time to your utmost advantage.

Here’s what I suggest. It isn’t practical to whip out a computer while waiting on line at the bank or store, but it is practical to have an mp3 player available to listen to some inspirational mindset recordings. As you’ll find out, MINDSET if one of the most crucial hurdles you’ll be facing as a new entrepreneur, and this is one way that I encourage everyone on our team to get in as much Mindset Development as possible…

Get your hands on some of the landmark recordings from the late Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, or anyone else you particularly like — load them onto an mp3 player — and never leave home without it.

When you’re waiting on a long line at the store, you can be learning about Leadership from John Maxwell.

When you’re sitting at the Dept of Motor Vehicles waiting to renew your license, you can be listening to Jim Rohn talk about the Challenge To Succeed.

When you’re sitting in traffic in your car, pop in a Zig Ziglar CD and learn about Personal Development.
How To Add 2 Hours To Each Day (without getting up early or staying up late)

This is how I easily added 2 productive hours to my day, without getting up early or staying up late. My commute to work was about 45 minutes each way. Rather than listening to mindless talk radio or even my favorite music channel, I chose to GET PRODUCTIVE.

I found Personal Development gurus that I resonated with — guys like Jim Rohn, John Maxwell and Zig Ziglar — and I purchased some of their best works on CD. (Heck, in the case of the late, great Mr. Jim Rohn I recently purchased his LIfetime Collection. This included practically everything he’s ever recorded, and it was one of the best investments in my business and myself that I ever made).

Every time I drove to work, I plunked in one of these CDs. That’s 45 minutes each way, 5 days a week of SOLID PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING.

Next, I downloaded more of this amazing training on to my mp3 player, and listen to it every day for a half hour while I exercise. A double win here — I improve my mental health AND my physical well being.

Combined, that’s 2 hours of profitable time spent on myself and my business each day. That’s 2 hours that most people listen to the latest bad news on the radio, or just lay on the couch eating potato chips.

If you don’t work, then carry around your mp3 when you go out on errands. Listen to Personal Development while you’re waiting on line at the store, or waiting for your kids, picking them up at school.

It’s all about taking advantage of your waiting time.

You get the idea — utilize every spare moment you have, and listening to Personal Development or Self Improvement CDs are one of the best ways to do this.

This is all part of setting your sail, as Jim Rohn liked to say. It’s all part of developing your philosophy, putting your priorities in order, and developing a strict, hard-and-fast schedule to start growing your profitable Network Marketing business.

It is the first, and VERY NECESSARY step to building a profitable, successful Network Marketing business.

Leveraging Your Time
Leveraging your time and getting organized in both your work space and your work schedule will allow you to stop WASTING TIME doing things that won’t make you money. It’s the foundation for any successful business.

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