Many people fail to achieve their goals in network marketing because they take a passive approach to sponsoring. As much as we would all love it, prospects for our business don’t just show up magically. We have to find them.
Here are three simple things you need to do.
1) Talk to people. I know this seems so obvious, but many network marketers are (deep down) scared to talk about their business. Putting signs on your car, advertising in the paper – things like this are great and you need to get the word out. Just be prepared to talk to as many people as you can about your business, whenever you have the opportunity.
2) Talk to the right people. Look for prospects who are open minded and excited about starting a home business and improving their lives. You’ll run into plenty of negative people who make it a habit to find the bad side of everything. Don’t try to convince negative people that they are wrong – this just drains your energy and wastes your time. Spend your time talking to people who are open and willing to listen and learn more.
3) Focus on your prospect, not on yourself. Remember what the people you talk to are thinking. They are interested in what your business can do for them, and what it will take for them to be successful. If you have someone who is really interested, make it a point to find out what they want from a business. Is it an extra $500 a month, or maybe a full-time income? Focus on what they want, and show them how your business can take them there.
To be successful talking to people about your home business, you don’t have to talk their ears off, or have a special “gift of gab”. You just need to communicate in your own way, with belief in yourself and your business. Belief and attitude is what drives success in network marketing.
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