Be sure you have your blog up and running, with at least ten posts in place. You don’t want to send your visitors to a blog with just a post or two. Try to avoid using “Coming Soon” type stuff – just put a few things in place and begin building on it.
Things You Can Do to Increase Traffic
Find other MLM and network marketing related blogs that allow comments. Post intelligent, meaningful comments along with your link. Don’t post an ad, contribute something.
Sign up for various social sites where you can find home business and MLM communities. Participate and make friends. Fill your profile out as much as possible, include a photo, and put your RSS feed where called for. You can find quite a lot of sites at ning.com.
Go to the popular MLM forums and register. Post often and include your blog link in your signature. Examples are mlm.com and betternetworker.com, but you can find many others by doing a Google search for “mlm forums” or “network marketing discussion”.
Use Feedburner – www.feedburner.com – this will help give your feed more exposure. It also gives you some good stats about your subscribers. Feedburner is owned by Google, and most of its best features are absolutely free.
Make a post in your blog every day. I know this isn’t easy – but it definitely helps you gain greater exposure. Make it a good post – don’t just slap up junk to say you made a post. You can do something as simple as describing your own day-to-day experiences in building your business. Relate your successes and how you achieved them.
Places You Can Submit Your Blog for More Exposure
MyBlogLog – sign up, put the “Recent Visitors” widget on your MLM blog, and start joining communities and contacting people with similar interests. As always, be sure to fill in your profile.
Blog Catalog – sign up, fill in your profile, and participate in the discussions. You won’t necessarily see big results right away – patience and persistence is the key – but this works.
This list is just a start – I’ll be back soon with more information on how you can use blogs to build your network marketing and MLM business online.