I know a guy who did that. He was one of the early pioneers of building an MLM business online. This was before all the nice web pages and neat applications we have today, back when CompuServe and AOL ruled the online world. I’ll call him Jack. This is not his real name – I wouldn’t want to embarass the guy. Really.
Shop the MLM Business Superstore
Jack was the master of the “portfolio” approach to MLM. At any given time he was involved with at least a dozen MLM business opportunities. He posted, advertised, and promoted all of them continuously. I saw him post ads that said “Here are my top 10 mlm opportunities, pick your favorite and come join me on the road to wealth.” Seriously. I am not making this up.
At that time, I was involved in an MLM business with one of the top heavy hitters of the day. I won’t reveal his name here, but this man is still on top in the network marketing world today and doing very well. He has made a fortune many times over. I will refer to him as “the heavy hitter”.
The opportunity we were involved with folded and crashed one fateful August weekend. The heavy hitter immediately began a search for a new opportunity, because he had a very large downline to take care of. I bet you are beginning to suspect what happened next….
Jack Strikes MLM Gold
It just so happened that Jack was in this same heavy hitter’s downline. Heck, Jack was in everything so this was no surprise. At this point in time, Jack had an incredible moment of inspiration. One of his opportunities was with a very well established company that was considered a rising star in the world of network marketing.
Next thing you know, Jack dashed off a fax to the heavy hitter with details about this great opportunity. He worked fast – he did a good job.
Hold your breath….
The heavy hitter liked what he saw. He checked it out thoroughly. He decided to bring his entire group into that opportunity and (best of all) he honored the fact that Jack was the first to contact him about the business. He signed up with Jack and within a few days Jack had a downline in the hundreds and growing daily.
Whew! How would you like to get a big break like that? Here was a guy who had spent much of his adult life seeking opportunity and riches, and just like that he hit the grand slam that brought him home. All Jack had to do at this point was focus and work on building this business, so he could earn the maximum from the heavy hitter’s efforts. It was all aboard the “gravy train” for Jack.
The Sad Decline and Fall of an MLM Junkie
This is where the story takes a downward twist. Jack now had the very thing he had vigorously sought for so many years. Dozens of MLM gigs and other money-making schemes behind him, he was now free to capitalize on his great fortune and become financially set for life.
What happened? I can testify to this. I was there and watched with shock and disbelief what unfolded next. Jack chose not to focus on his new opportunity. He continued to promote multiple MLM business opportunities. His business with the heavy hitter continued to be in the mix, but had no special emphasis in his promotions.
In a remarkable show of concern and compassion, members of Jack’s upline and downline counseled with him and urged him to wake up and focus on the business that was about to make him rich. Even the heavy hitter talked to Jack multiple times, because he knew what was at stake.
Jack made a meager effort to build his business but continued to spend considerable time promoting many other things. This was a man with a full-time job in addition to all his business activities. He didn’t have time for all this.
In the end, Jack let his business go. Failing to achieve even the minimum qualifications to stay active, he simply gave up and moved on to “greater things”. It was an unbelieveable moment and really hard to swallow. Jack was a great guy and everyone liked him. Nobody believed this could happen.
A few months after this came down, Jack sent me an email. He had a really unique and special deal for me to consider.
Worm Poop – Let’s Do This One for Fun
Jack found a company offering an MLM opportunity selling some sort of worm poop fertilizer and soil supplement. In his email promoting this, he said this one was “just for fun”. My jaw hit the floor yet again, and at that moment I knew I could never forget this man and the lessons he left behind for all of us.
Why would a man refuse to focus when he got his big break, and instead continue promoting every junky MLM product that came down the pike?
The Final Lesson and Meaning to All This
Jack ultimately failed to achieve what he always wanted – financial independence and riches. He was a gambler and a fortune seeker. He always wanted something new, something hot, something to set the world on fire. He found just that, but it quickly became old news as he sought the next big hit. The thrill for Jack was in the chase. Perhaps his ultimate goal was to achieve riches with no real effort other than signing up and peddling every MLM business on the planet.
An MLM junkie peddling a mixed bag of opportunities sent a fax and sponsored a heavy hitter. What more can you, as a focused leader and MLM business builder, achieve?
Your MLM Business – The Future is Bright
The point here is clear – find your opportunity. Do something you love. Work your tail off and find heavy hitters of your own. Don’t quit. Focus. Build. Prosper.
The events in this story took place several years ago. Jack disappeared from the radar screen for a while – I didn’t hear of him, or from him, for a long time. Then, out of the blue, just one year ago I received a postcard from Jack. About a travel MLM. “Come join me on the beaches of the world and let’s get rich together”.
Right, Jack. Let’s do it.