There will be no old-fashioned hype-filled recruiting meetings for this group. There are very capable of learning all about what network marketing offers, about our opportunities, and how they can fit in. They don’t need our help to do this. They will do the research online and contact us when they’re ready.
These are the children of the famous “Baby Boomer” generation. Wikipedia calls them “Generation Y”, “Millennials”, or “Echo Boomers”. These are young adults ranging in age from about 18 to 30 as of 2008. They have grown up in an age of technology and change that has seen no equal in recorded history.
This new generation of young adults has some outstanding characteristics that help spell success with network marketing.
- for earning a livng, they don’t accept the traditional “45 year plan”, and in fact are afraid in getting stuck in a career rut like that
- in general, they are more willing to take risks (such as striking out with their own business) than previous generations
- they turn against tradition and prefer to work on their own terms – have you seen all the laptops in Starbucks lately?
- socially, they are well connected online and in total touch with their friends
- they are very comfortable with technology and know how to reach a lot of people fast
This generation wants more. They are ready to go, if you show them more than just money. They are interested in lifestyle, in living where they want to, in doing their own thing. Show them how your network marketing business can do this for them, and they will become your next superstars.
It is up to you, as a network marketing professional, to show them what they are looking for. Freedom. Fun. A well-rounded and balanced life. Network marketing offers this lifestyle, and always has. The difference is that the chains of tradition are not binding this group. Remember what it was like before?
Go to college, get a good job, and retire some day and travel.
The new generation wants to travel now, make money now, live a full and free life now. They aren’t interested in working long hours, tied to a desk for years, to reach these dreams. They could not care less about getting two-bit raises every year, while waiting for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Don’t tell them to make a list of friends and relatives to contact. They already have that under control. Give them the basics of your business, and let them run. Show them a way, and they will spread the word and light a fire faster than you’ll believe.
Are you ready to reach the “new generation” of network marketers? Check back in soon, or go to the top of the page and subscribe to my feed. In a few days, I will begin posting videos showing how to connect online and promote yourself and your opportunity the right way.
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