Marketing can't be done unless you have all the information what you need. you need solid direction, Product etc. And a desire to build a team, recruiting and maintaining a good client base without all this you will be same like other MLM / Network Marketer, not be able to accomplish anything. Chancer are more that you'll be out of business almost before you even got started.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Getting Attention When You Introduce Yourself To Prospects?
It's one of the most important marketing tools you can have in your toolbox. Are you prepared with a crisp, concise, and powerful statement to introduce yourself at that next networking function, or to answer the question, "what do you do?"
Monday, September 26, 2011
MLM Guide How To Generate Leads.
Ask a guy who have done MLM before, when the actual work start and you will get the answer is Generating leads. There are a lot of things you can do to gather leads for your MLM business--- you can buy lead list or join any lead generation site. But if you really bother about your business and seriously want the success then you need to generate your own MLM leads.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
how to success in network marketing
Understanding network marketing is important if you are in business for yourself. Network marketing success is not based on just connecting with a few people in social media. This takes time and hard work but can reap rewards you never thought of. By putting some time into working your networks you can grow your business and your profits by leaps and bounds.
Friday, September 23, 2011
What is MLM - 5 Tips for People Who Hate It.
MLM is hard. No matter how many Internet articles say that "You too can become a MLM master!" The bottom line is; MLM is difficult and if done wrong can do more harm than good.
MLM is about building your brand, more than selling your service or product. Your brand is, at its core, you. When I started, I hated MLM, but as I got better, I started to notice things that worked and things that didn't. Here are the top 5 things that have worked for me, across many industries.
MLM is about building your brand, more than selling your service or product. Your brand is, at its core, you. When I started, I hated MLM, but as I got better, I started to notice things that worked and things that didn't. Here are the top 5 things that have worked for me, across many industries.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Two Excellent, Free Online Tools to Help You Manage and Organize Your Life

Wednesday, September 21, 2011
LEVERAGE!: Day 5 – The Ultimate Leverage Formula
It’s Day 5 of your “LEVERAGE!” Ecourse… and I’ve saved the best for last.
In today’s lesson, I’m going to show you how to take everything I’ve taught over the last 4 days and put it all together.It’s the ultimate guide for leveraging every part of your business for maximum profits. But before I do this, let’s review what we’ve learned so far.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
LEVERAGE!: Day 4 – Leverage The Power of Technology
Welcome To Day 4 of the “LEVERAGE!” 5-Day Crash Course:.
Today, you are going to get the keys to the kingdom.
You see, thousands of Network Marketers grow their business by what we call “traditional” methods. This means they mostly use word-of-mouth advertising to promote their Network Marketing company. This is how Rosemary and I started out.
It’s crazy what people will do to promote their business.

You see, thousands of Network Marketers grow their business by what we call “traditional” methods. This means they mostly use word-of-mouth advertising to promote their Network Marketing company. This is how Rosemary and I started out.
It’s crazy what people will do to promote their business.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Effective Followup With Your Customers and Downline

to what could be one of the most important pages of your Network Marketing Career! Yet it is one of the least understood aspects of any business.
How Difficult was it to get that First Customer or Downline Member?
If Customer / downline retention is not one of your highest priorities, well you might as well quit today!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
7 Common Sales Mistakes, and How to Avoid Them - By Niel Patel
Do you want to get good at sales? Because if you do, there is a lot of money to be made. But before I can teach you how to sell, I need to first teach you what not to do.
If you want to make money through selling, you don’t have to be a great sales person, you just need to avoid these common mistakes:
Don’t forget to qualify
If you want to make money through selling, you don’t have to be a great sales person, you just need to avoid these common mistakes:
Don’t forget to qualify
LEVERAGE!: Day 3 – Leverage The Wisdom of Others
Welcome To Day 3 of the “LEVERAGE!” 5-Day Crash Course:, all about leveraging your time and money to succeed in Network Marketing as quickly as possible.
Day 3: Leveraging the Wisdom of Others
If you’re going to succeed in Network Marketing, you’re going to need help… and plenty of it. If you spend any time on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, you’ll soon find that there are LOTS of people offering their assistance.
Some are genuine and understand the power of Attraction Marketing.
Day 3: Leveraging the Wisdom of Others
If you’re going to succeed in Network Marketing, you’re going to need help… and plenty of it. If you spend any time on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, you’ll soon find that there are LOTS of people offering their assistance.
Some are genuine and understand the power of Attraction Marketing.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Day 1: Build Your Foundation
So where do you start? Just how do you go about starting the process of building a successful and profitable MLM/Network Markerting business?
And how do you do it when you’re:
* Working a Full Time or Part Time job?
* Running a brick and mortar business?
* Taking care of the kids?
* Caring for your elderly parents?
Or all of the above?
As with anything else, you start by building a strong foundation… and in this case, that means getting things in order so that you can start laying the cornerstones for your successful home business….
And how do you do it when you’re:
* Working a Full Time or Part Time job?
* Running a brick and mortar business?
* Taking care of the kids?
* Caring for your elderly parents?
Or all of the above?
As with anything else, you start by building a strong foundation… and in this case, that means getting things in order so that you can start laying the cornerstones for your successful home business….
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Mark Yarnell
Mark Yarnell is a motivational speaker, trainer and author. He is also a legend in the network marketing business. During the past 22+ years, he built a huge sales organization with Nu Skin Enterprises consisting of more than 300,000 distributors, located in more than 20 countries. That’s no small feat.
Stone Evans, the Plug In Profit Site, and My World Plus
Jeffrey Stone Evans is a legend in the network marketing and internet marketing industry. He also goes by Stone Evans and Mark Wise. He currently resides in Dallas, Texas with his wife and children. He lives a very private life. In fact, you can search the internet and you won’t find very much about his personal life.
Amway Diamond Dave Severn & "Pig's Don't Know Pigs Stink"
Who is Dave Severn? And what is Pigs Don’t Know Pigs Stink? Let me start by telling you that Dave is a legend in the Amway business. He is one of the favorite speakers with World Wide Dream Builders and Britt World Wide. He joined Amway in the mid to late 1970s and rose to a very high achievement level. He reached the Diamond level in 1981. At his highest point, he reached the status of Executive Diamond. I don’t know what his current pin is.
Dean Kosage... The Celebrity Network Marketer
Dean Kosage is an Amway Executive Diamond. His upline Diamond is David and Debby Shores. If I had to describe him in a few words I would use words such as energetic, funny, self-motivated and charismatic. He is an exceptional motivational speaker and entertainer. He can “grab” the crowd’s attention and keep its attention. Dean is one of the few Amway Diamonds who attained the status of “celebrity network marketer.” He has a large following, both in an outside of Amway.
Amway Distributor Bill Britt & Britt World Wide
Bill Britt is “the man” in the Amway business. Just about every former and current Amway distributor knows his name. I first heard him speak in 2002, when I was an Amway distributor. I still remember his passion, his tenacity and his posture. He has a “magnetic personality.” His rags-to-riches story is very impressive. Prior to joining Amway, he was a city manager in several different North Carolina cities. Prior to that, he served in the U.S. Army.
Rachel Long, the Queen of My World Plus and Lawn Chair Millionaire
Rachel Long is a legend in the network marketing business. She is originally from Houston, Texas and currently resides in Austin. Rachel Long is an internet marketing guru with amazing marketing skills. She is known as the queen of our industry. And rightfully so! She has achieved enormous success with many different companies, products and services.
Brig Hart, Monavie and the R3Global System
Who is Brig Hart? He is a legend in the network marketing business. He’s achieved huge success in two different companies: Amway and MonaVie. But before we go into that too much, let’s talk about his up-bringing. Brig Hart grew up in Florida. He was born in 1952 to the parents of Bob and Cornelia Hart. He was their second child. He has three siblings.
Your Home Office – How to Focus and Use Your Time More Effectively

Here are four techniques you can use for squeezing more productivity out of each hour. Note that this is not intended to be a comprehensive overview of personal time management, but rather a few good tips for making your day flow better.
Your MLM Blog – Seven Top Ways to Increase Traffic and Get More Visitors

Be sure you have your blog up and running, with at least ten posts in place. You don’t want to send your visitors to a blog with just a post or two. Try to avoid using “Coming Soon” type stuff – just put a few things in place and begin building on it.
Building a Group with Worm Poop? The Rise and Fall of an MLM Junkie

Four Great Motivational Tips for Network Marketing and MLM Business Builders

Network Marketing – How to Explain the Concept of MLM to Prospects

Make Money with Network Marketing and MLM – Work Offline or Go Online?

Is a Network Marketing Business the Ideal Work From Home Opportunity?

Right now, as you read this, do you know what is happening? There are more people than you think looking for extra money, or a different way to make money. Some may need a small part-time income. Others are at a dead end with their job, and are motivated to “do something big” to achieve financial freedom. What are YOU looking for?
Four Quick Ways to Stop Paper Clutter

Not too long ago, I read an interesting article about organizing your home office. The author referred to home office clutter as a consequence of delaying decisions. This made a lot of sense to me.
Finding Time to Build a Home Business

When the opportunity is fresh, and excitement is high, it seems that things will just work out somehow. Sometime, after the initial glow fades, the time to do anything with the business just doesn’t seem to be there.
The Real World
I recently spoke to a new downline associate who signed up about six months ago. This lady had very good intentions when she joined, but never got anything going. I asked her why. Her response was not surprising – by the time she finished talking about all her obligations and responsibilities, I wondered how she even had time to sleep.
Many of us feel overwhelmed like this. How can we really have time to build a network marketing business – especially if we have a regular job, a family, and otherobligations?
Everyone starts out in MLM or network marketing with a desire or dream…some want to earn a part-time income, others want to go all out and eventually quit their job. Why do other things seem to take up all the time? Why does everything else get time, except the business?
A Guaranteed System For You
Let’s assume you are a home business builder whose goal is to reach an income level of $50,000 per year.
If I give you a proven system that requires two hours a day of your time – and this system is guaranteed to build you a $50,000 a year business if you follow it exactly (two hours a day) for two years, would you be able to find the time every day?
I believe that most folks would say YES and would be able to find the time.
The Real Problem is Lack of Belief
You see, many people don’t start working their network marketing business for a specific reason. They lack belief and confidence in the opportunity. They don’t REALLY believe they can make much money with the business.
If this sounds familiar, you need to work on your belief. Consider contacting and working with those in your upline who are successful. Ask them how they did it, what it takes.
Once you have confidence that your MLM business can take you where you want to be financially, I guarantee you will find the time. Think about this, work out your belief, and go for it!
Two Great Reasons to Stay Focused

Why New Network Marketers Get Discouraged
I recently met with a fairly new associate in my downline. This gentleman signed up and brought desire and motivation to the table. After sponsoring a couple of prospects, and having success introducing others to our products, he seemed to become discouraged and lost much of his enthusiasm.
This happens with people in all network marketing and home based business opportunities. It is just human nature. Given that this gentleman had been in business only three months and was making progress, why would he be discouraged? It can happen to anyone. Here is what I learned.
This fellow committed a good bit of money to advertising his new MLM business. He purchased advertising online to promote both product sales and sponsoring. He seemed to be doing the right things.
However, he had specific expectations of where his business should be after three months. He became discouraged when his sales and sponsoring numbers were not as much as he hoped.
If you are new to network marketing, your expectations for success can be higher than what you actually achieve in those first few weeks. The key to achieving the success you desire is staying focused and consistent in your business building efforts.
Good Reasons to Stay Focused
Here are two things to consider. These thoughts apply to any home based business.
1) Building a successful home business usually requires delayed gratification. What you do today (making contacts, sending out information, working with prospects) will not necessarily show results right away. It takes time. You have to build a base of good prospects and maintain regular follow-ups with them.
I have had many good associates join my group two years, even three years after our initial contact. The timing must be right for your prospects to sign up – this is why ongoing follow-up is SO important.
2) A big surge in your business may lie just ahead. Oddly, these leaps can come during otherwise slow times – times when things don’t seem to be going well. Not long ago, I had a much slower month (sales AND sponsoring) than I expected. I wondered what was going on. Then, the next month was very busy and I doubled my normal sponsoring and sales numbers.
Remember, you are in business for the long haul, and the averages will work in your favor if you stay consistent and do the right things.
The bottom line – find a good network marketing opportunity, seek help from your successful upline, stay focused, and keep moving. It will all pay off.
Encourage and Support Your Downline Associates – Three Quick Tips

Independent and Motivated
Some of your downline members may seem very self-motivated and, frankly, not much in need of your attention. The fact is, though, even the most motivated and independent business builder on your team needs to know you appreciate them. They need to know that you recognize their achievement and are standing behind them completely. Everyone appreciates recognition.
Encouraging Your Group
Here are three simple, easy ways to support and encourage your group.
1) Pick up the phone and call them. In our fast-paced world, more and more network marketers are trying to go electronic. By “go electronic”, I mean using email as virtually the only means of communication. Or, using autoresponder sequences as your primary training tool.
I believe it means more in this day and time to receive a personal phone call than ever before. So many won’t bother to do this. You can make a difference in your group if you take time for personal communication. A phone call just to say “hello” and offer your time to help with their business is priceless.
2) Consider publishing a regular newsletter that goes to everyone in your group. In your newsletter, talk about what’s new and offer business building tips. Most important – establish some sort of recognition for the achievers in your downline.
You can have a “Top 10 in Personal Sponsoring” for the month, and other achievement categories as well. You can welcome each new member of your downline by name. Granted, this is a lot of work, but can be an excellent way to keep in touch – particularly when you have a larger group.
3) Watch for activity that shows an associate (especially someone who is new) is doing the right things. When you see that one of your downline people has just sponsored someone, pick up the phone and congratulate them. Offer your support. This tells them you are noticing them – and it goes a long way toward encouraging them to keep on rolling.
This is the key. Don’t forget to encourage and recognize your downline associates for their achievements. Even the little things. It will make a big difference in your business.
Three Simple Ways to Sponsor People and Build Your Network Marketing Business

Many people fail to achieve their goals in network marketing because they take a passive approach to sponsoring. As much as we would all love it, prospects for our business don’t just show up magically. We have to find them.
Here are three simple things you need to do.
1) Talk to people. I know this seems so obvious, but many network marketers are (deep down) scared to talk about their business. Putting signs on your car, advertising in the paper – things like this are great and you need to get the word out. Just be prepared to talk to as many people as you can about your business, whenever you have the opportunity.
2) Talk to the right people. Look for prospects who are open minded and excited about starting a home business and improving their lives. You’ll run into plenty of negative people who make it a habit to find the bad side of everything. Don’t try to convince negative people that they are wrong – this just drains your energy and wastes your time. Spend your time talking to people who are open and willing to listen and learn more.
3) Focus on your prospect, not on yourself. Remember what the people you talk to are thinking. They are interested in what your business can do for them, and what it will take for them to be successful. If you have someone who is really interested, make it a point to find out what they want from a business. Is it an extra $500 a month, or maybe a full-time income? Focus on what they want, and show them how your business can take them there.
To be successful talking to people about your home business, you don’t have to talk their ears off, or have a special “gift of gab”. You just need to communicate in your own way, with belief in yourself and your business. Belief and attitude is what drives success in network marketing.
How To Succeed With Network Marketing
In order to succeed with network marketing you have to be both hardworking and patient. This means that by forever expanding your knowledge and researching, your techniques will improve bit by bit until you are earning a great amount. The following outlines some basic factors to achieve success.
Get to know the company you will be working with. Find out what it sells and for how long they have been in business. Also check up on their prices and the fine print on returns and exchanges. As a network marketer, you will be trying to sign up other people. It really helps if you know what you are talking about and can easily answer and questions raised. You will appear both reliable and professional, as well as showing the company in a positive light.
Keep resources such as brochures and business cards with you all the time. This way you are prepared to make a sale or sign up wherever you are. Often, opportunities to sell spring up randomly, being prepared takes advantage of this. In terms of business cards, less is more. A simple design with contact details and a small description of the company is all that is needed.
When it comes to gaining social acquaintances, there are a few options. The best are usually at events or when you are generally out. It is important to remember that when speaking with someone new you should not push a sale onto them. Rather, chat about things like the holidays or the weather. By doing this, you are establishing a common ground with someone, instead of frightening them off by being pushy. You will soon be able to sense the right moment for passing on your card and telling them what you do. This often leads to them asking questions and eventually becoming a customer or being signed up.
Meeting for lunch with other similar business owners is a good way to meet new people. Handing out business cards is great, as well as picking up a few yourself for the future. Not only is this a chance to make money, but also to meet people with similar interests.
Get to know the company you will be working with. Find out what it sells and for how long they have been in business. Also check up on their prices and the fine print on returns and exchanges. As a network marketer, you will be trying to sign up other people. It really helps if you know what you are talking about and can easily answer and questions raised. You will appear both reliable and professional, as well as showing the company in a positive light.
Keep resources such as brochures and business cards with you all the time. This way you are prepared to make a sale or sign up wherever you are. Often, opportunities to sell spring up randomly, being prepared takes advantage of this. In terms of business cards, less is more. A simple design with contact details and a small description of the company is all that is needed.
When it comes to gaining social acquaintances, there are a few options. The best are usually at events or when you are generally out. It is important to remember that when speaking with someone new you should not push a sale onto them. Rather, chat about things like the holidays or the weather. By doing this, you are establishing a common ground with someone, instead of frightening them off by being pushy. You will soon be able to sense the right moment for passing on your card and telling them what you do. This often leads to them asking questions and eventually becoming a customer or being signed up.
Meeting for lunch with other similar business owners is a good way to meet new people. Handing out business cards is great, as well as picking up a few yourself for the future. Not only is this a chance to make money, but also to meet people with similar interests.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Real Problem with Network Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)
It never ceases to amaze me the extreme polar views on the topic of network marketing and MLM. Some people are passionate about it in the extreme, and there are even top celebrity authors like Robert Allen, Mark Victor Hansen, and Robert Kiyosaki doing it and advocating it. Yet, in many circles, you might as well declare yourself a leper as admit to being in network marketing. So, what is the problem with MLM and network marketing?
Maybe it's the pyramid structure? But you can't really take issue with the tiered compensation structure—almost every large sales organization in the world has that. Salespeople get commission, and sales managers get overrides or bonuses on top of that, and sales directors on top of that, and VPs on top of that.
Or maybe it's the fact that you have to pay to participate in it? But that can't be it—that's a standard franchising model. And I assure you, the franchise fee of most traditional franchises dwarf the sign-up cost of any MLM program by comparison.
Now certainly, there are illegal pyramid, or "Ponzi", schemes. This is where the money is all being made off of signing up other people, with little or no real product ever being delivered. But in spite of whatever perceptions people may have, the fact is that Amway, Excel, Meleleuca, PrePaid Legal, USANA, and many others have sold millions upon millions of dollars of products to happy customers, many of whom are NOT also reps. So, there may be a perception problem here, but if so, the perception is out of line with the reality.
But surely the bad reputation MLM'ers has some more basis in fact than the occasional illegal pyramid scheme?
The real problem with MLM is not MLM itself, but some of the people it attracts. Network marketing is just a business model, and it really amounts to "micro-franchising". Its upside is that it has a very low cost of entry, with the potential for exceptional revenue, and there are those who achieve that.
But those same things that make it attractive make it attractive to many who are NOT really qualified or prepared to become business owners. The salient characteristics of MLM make it attractive to people who:
There's a first time for everything. And network marketing/MLM is a great opportunity for people to have their first business, their first sales role, etc. My point is this—recognize it for what it is: it's a business, and you are a business owner. And if you've never owned a business before, if you've never done sales before, if you've never networked before, you need to learn about how to do so, not just from the network marketing/MLM experts, but from established experts in those fields.
Network marketers who are serious about building a business should be reading and learning about business fundamentals, the latest sales and marketing techniques, strategies for networking and business development, etc., not just swapping tips at your team's weekly or monthly meeting. Act like a small business owner, and people will treat you like one.
Maybe it's the pyramid structure? But you can't really take issue with the tiered compensation structure—almost every large sales organization in the world has that. Salespeople get commission, and sales managers get overrides or bonuses on top of that, and sales directors on top of that, and VPs on top of that.
Or maybe it's the fact that you have to pay to participate in it? But that can't be it—that's a standard franchising model. And I assure you, the franchise fee of most traditional franchises dwarf the sign-up cost of any MLM program by comparison.
Now certainly, there are illegal pyramid, or "Ponzi", schemes. This is where the money is all being made off of signing up other people, with little or no real product ever being delivered. But in spite of whatever perceptions people may have, the fact is that Amway, Excel, Meleleuca, PrePaid Legal, USANA, and many others have sold millions upon millions of dollars of products to happy customers, many of whom are NOT also reps. So, there may be a perception problem here, but if so, the perception is out of line with the reality.
But surely the bad reputation MLM'ers has some more basis in fact than the occasional illegal pyramid scheme?
The real problem with MLM is not MLM itself, but some of the people it attracts. Network marketing is just a business model, and it really amounts to "micro-franchising". Its upside is that it has a very low cost of entry, with the potential for exceptional revenue, and there are those who achieve that.
But those same things that make it attractive make it attractive to many who are NOT really qualified or prepared to become business owners. The salient characteristics of MLM make it attractive to people who:
- have not done well in their business or profession and have little money saved up to invest
- have no previous experience owning or running a business
- have no previous experience in sales
- have little or no experience developing business relationships other than that of employer/employee/co-worker
- are not satisfied with their current level of income
- have unrealistic expectations of the amount of work involved compared to the revenue realized
- over-selling the opportunity
- inappropriately discussing business in social situations
- coming across as desperate
- over-focused on new recruits and neglecting existing customers as a result
- being either inaccurate or deceptive when talking about their business
There's a first time for everything. And network marketing/MLM is a great opportunity for people to have their first business, their first sales role, etc. My point is this—recognize it for what it is: it's a business, and you are a business owner. And if you've never owned a business before, if you've never done sales before, if you've never networked before, you need to learn about how to do so, not just from the network marketing/MLM experts, but from established experts in those fields.
Network marketers who are serious about building a business should be reading and learning about business fundamentals, the latest sales and marketing techniques, strategies for networking and business development, etc., not just swapping tips at your team's weekly or monthly meeting. Act like a small business owner, and people will treat you like one.
Network Marketing For A Beginner
Network marketing may seem like a complicated home business to get started in. It’s not as complicated as it seems. The two most important things to have in a network marketing business are sellers and the product. Once you have these two in place, your business will start growing and so will your income. The first thing you need to do is to decide what type of product you want to sell and what audience do you mainly want to sell to. For example, if you plan on selling beauty products, your target audience will be women.
When it comes to the product, you can purchase an existing product or create your own. Once your product is in place, you’re ready to recruit your sellers. This may be difficult to do if you don’t know where to start. The first people to ask are your friends and family. If they are not interested in being a seller, ask them if they would be interested in buying the product. Another way to recruit sellers is through your blog. You may want to create a blog to advertise your business.
When you blog, write about the product, such as its benefits. You can post your blog on forums that you visit on a regular basis. You may want to sign up for Google Adswords. With Google Adwords, you can come up with keywords pertaining to your business or product. When people search those particular keywords, your link will come up. In order for people to click on your link, you may want to be creative. For instance, you can tell them that they’ll receive 10 percent off of the product just for signing up as a seller.
Once you have some sellers in place, they can start selling your product to potential customers. Offer a sample kit to your recruits at a reasonable price. Make sure they have the link to your website or blog, so that the customers can see the product. Customers can become sellers as well. The more sellers you have, the more money you can make.
When it comes to the product, you can purchase an existing product or create your own. Once your product is in place, you’re ready to recruit your sellers. This may be difficult to do if you don’t know where to start. The first people to ask are your friends and family. If they are not interested in being a seller, ask them if they would be interested in buying the product. Another way to recruit sellers is through your blog. You may want to create a blog to advertise your business.
When you blog, write about the product, such as its benefits. You can post your blog on forums that you visit on a regular basis. You may want to sign up for Google Adswords. With Google Adwords, you can come up with keywords pertaining to your business or product. When people search those particular keywords, your link will come up. In order for people to click on your link, you may want to be creative. For instance, you can tell them that they’ll receive 10 percent off of the product just for signing up as a seller.
Once you have some sellers in place, they can start selling your product to potential customers. Offer a sample kit to your recruits at a reasonable price. Make sure they have the link to your website or blog, so that the customers can see the product. Customers can become sellers as well. The more sellers you have, the more money you can make.
How To Profit In Network Marketing Business
Success in network marketing business mainly depends on the leads and there are certain methods that should be followed to achieve success in this business. Some of the old methods are still used, but they are less effective with the current trends.
Very old method is making a big list of marketing leads with the help of friends, family members, and known people in the society. The problem with this method is that this method may disturb the relationship with the prospective leads if anything goes wrong in the business. Another old method is buying leads, but this is not worth to follow because only quality leads are important and maintaining just a big list of leads won’t even work. Also, in the old methods, selling strategies and techniques were not taught.
The very new method is the Internet method where generating lead is simple and straight forward. A marketer can easily learn the strategies and they are not required to attend seminars or meetings to promote their product as people or leads would directly visit the marketers’ website and quickly learn the benefits of product. The influential website of the marketer is the great tool to impress the leads and follow-up can create a trust with the leads. Internet is a great channel through which marketer can meet a large number of people. Unlike old methods, many new people would voluntarily join the business by knowing the product.
With the advancement in technology, the marketers can contact their prospective leads through email and newsletter and update them with the latest information. This actually builds a great relationship and trust with the customer. One happy customer will surely recommend the business to at least two other people and this provides a great opportunity for the business growth.
Some of the basic tools required to make profit in the network marketing is the website, auto responder, online classifieds, information marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. Today, there are also many niche forums where marketers can share their idea and can gain many new leads through their expertise and experience in the field.
Very old method is making a big list of marketing leads with the help of friends, family members, and known people in the society. The problem with this method is that this method may disturb the relationship with the prospective leads if anything goes wrong in the business. Another old method is buying leads, but this is not worth to follow because only quality leads are important and maintaining just a big list of leads won’t even work. Also, in the old methods, selling strategies and techniques were not taught.
The very new method is the Internet method where generating lead is simple and straight forward. A marketer can easily learn the strategies and they are not required to attend seminars or meetings to promote their product as people or leads would directly visit the marketers’ website and quickly learn the benefits of product. The influential website of the marketer is the great tool to impress the leads and follow-up can create a trust with the leads. Internet is a great channel through which marketer can meet a large number of people. Unlike old methods, many new people would voluntarily join the business by knowing the product.
With the advancement in technology, the marketers can contact their prospective leads through email and newsletter and update them with the latest information. This actually builds a great relationship and trust with the customer. One happy customer will surely recommend the business to at least two other people and this provides a great opportunity for the business growth.
Some of the basic tools required to make profit in the network marketing is the website, auto responder, online classifieds, information marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. Today, there are also many niche forums where marketers can share their idea and can gain many new leads through their expertise and experience in the field.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
How To Succeed In The Network Marketing Business
Network marketing has gained high popularity in recent years because of its so many advantages. Mostly people who are good in sales and love to do marketing to sell their products take this work from home job opportunity to make extra money. Some people even make this network marketing business a full-time opportunity and make a good income. Though most enters this business, only few succeed in the business. Here are few tips to succeed in the network marketing business.
First step is to choose a product that you would be interested in. There are many products available on the market, from makeup products to consumer commodities, it is always your choice to choose the company as well as product. You should choose a product that you actually believe in. Finding the right product is an important factor for being successful in the business.
Next important step is to choose the right company. The chosen company should support their distributors and help them in succeeding in their business. Every network marketing company is different and each has a different mission and vision in the business. Therefore, you should choose a company that supports your goal. The opportunity should match the long-term as well as short-term goals and before committing to the business, you should analyze every possible thing about the company.
Network marketing is a numbers game, and the more people in the business the more help you will have in succeeding. Recruiting new members to the team is very important for success. More recruits will lead to good residual income as well as more commission for each new member in the team. Other than this, you also gain some profit from the sales made by other members on the team.
Weekly meetings can be conducted with team members. You can share the training materials with the new recruits and motivate them. Helping the new members is actually helping yourself, and it means if the new members make profit then indirectly you also make profit from them.
Tagged: network marketing, network marketing business, network marketing success
First step is to choose a product that you would be interested in. There are many products available on the market, from makeup products to consumer commodities, it is always your choice to choose the company as well as product. You should choose a product that you actually believe in. Finding the right product is an important factor for being successful in the business.
Next important step is to choose the right company. The chosen company should support their distributors and help them in succeeding in their business. Every network marketing company is different and each has a different mission and vision in the business. Therefore, you should choose a company that supports your goal. The opportunity should match the long-term as well as short-term goals and before committing to the business, you should analyze every possible thing about the company.
Network marketing is a numbers game, and the more people in the business the more help you will have in succeeding. Recruiting new members to the team is very important for success. More recruits will lead to good residual income as well as more commission for each new member in the team. Other than this, you also gain some profit from the sales made by other members on the team.
Weekly meetings can be conducted with team members. You can share the training materials with the new recruits and motivate them. Helping the new members is actually helping yourself, and it means if the new members make profit then indirectly you also make profit from them.
Tagged: network marketing, network marketing business, network marketing success
Friday, September 2, 2011
Part Time Network Marketing Do’s and Don’ts
Professionals and other busy people trying to build a part time network marketing business face challenges that full time marketers never dream of. For the part time Network Marketer, every minute working on their home business must be laser focused on what matters most.
“Checking out blogs” or “cruising on Facebook” just isn’t an option.
Only when Part Time Network Marketers learn to leverage their time, money, skills, and other resources will they build the success they’ll need to take their business full time.
As a Professional building a Network Marketing business part time, I’ve come to understand key areas of importance that are crucial to success. I call these my….
As a Part-Time Network Marketing Professional, I know first hand the problems, frustrations and obstacles that can arise when trying to juggle a full time job and building the business of your dreams.
What are your personal “Do’s and Don’ts” when it comes to growing YOUR business? LEAVE A COMMENT and let’s expand my list!
If you like this post, please do me the favor of SHARING IT with your social network circle of friends.
To your leveraging success!
“Checking out blogs” or “cruising on Facebook” just isn’t an option.
Only when Part Time Network Marketers learn to leverage their time, money, skills, and other resources will they build the success they’ll need to take their business full time.
As a Professional building a Network Marketing business part time, I’ve come to understand key areas of importance that are crucial to success. I call these my….
These Network Marketing Do’s and Don’ts have become the cornerstones by which I run my business.Part Time Network Marketing Do’s and Don’ts
DO……… spend some time understanding and identifying your target market, or “your niche”. This will save you both time and money.
DON’T.. try to market your opportunity to everyone. You will simply blend in with the thousands of other networkers in your company.
DO……… develop skills that will make you more attractive to your prospects. More skills makes you more valuable to the marketplace.
DON’T.. believe the hype that “the products will sell themselves”. You must make yourself more valuable to your prospective business partners.
DO…….. surround yourself with people who have what you want. Attending live events will be crucial to your development as an entrepreneur.
DON’T.. think you can do this on your own. Being successful in any business can only be accomplished with the help of others.
DO…….. spend time building relationships, the precursor to sales. Pick up the phone and find out what your prospects need and want.
DON’T.. hide behind your computer. Use technology to find your prospects and drip them information, but use the phone to make deeper connections.
DO……... learn how to leverage your time, money, skills and other resources to put your business progress on the fast track.
DON’T.. be afraid to learn new things. Technology can be a part time network marketer’s best friend. Use the power of the Internet to your advantage.
As a Part-Time Network Marketing Professional, I know first hand the problems, frustrations and obstacles that can arise when trying to juggle a full time job and building the business of your dreams.
What are your personal “Do’s and Don’ts” when it comes to growing YOUR business? LEAVE A COMMENT and let’s expand my list!
If you like this post, please do me the favor of SHARING IT with your social network circle of friends.
To your leveraging success!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
What is the most profitable Network Marketing skill to learn? Some would say online marketing skills, some would say prospecting. Still others may say closing is the most profitable skill you can master. And they would be wrong.
In the video below, I make the case that the most profitable Network Marketing skill you can learn is one that anyone can master with a little practice. And the best part is… it won’t cost you a dime to learn it.
The funny thing is that all of us already use this skill, but few use to effectively.
What’s the skill?
We live in a fast paced society with so many distractions that listening… REALLY listening becomes difficult.
But if you want to double or triple your income in Network Marketing, you must become a highly EFFECTIVE listener. You must really hear from your prospects exactly what their problems are… and how you can offer solutions.
For many, this is the missing piece of the puzzle… the last roadblock to network marketing success.
Was it awkward?
How did the person feel?
How did you feel?
In the video below, I make the case that the most profitable Network Marketing skill you can learn is one that anyone can master with a little practice. And the best part is… it won’t cost you a dime to learn it.
The funny thing is that all of us already use this skill, but few use to effectively.
What’s the skill?
Listen to the video below:
Are You an Effective Listener?
It’s funny… most people believe that they are very good listeners. In reality, most people are really BAD listeners.We live in a fast paced society with so many distractions that listening… REALLY listening becomes difficult.
But if you want to double or triple your income in Network Marketing, you must become a highly EFFECTIVE listener. You must really hear from your prospects exactly what their problems are… and how you can offer solutions.
For many, this is the missing piece of the puzzle… the last roadblock to network marketing success.
The OPW Exercise
As I said on the video, I want you to try this exercise… the OPW Exercise.Now, leave a comment and let me know how it went.
- Find someone (a friend, family member, colleague) who has some sort of issue that they’d like to discuss
- Sit down (or call on the phone) and give them your undivided attention
- No phone, no computer, no TV… nothing to distract you
- Listen to every word and ask questions. Keep the conversation going until they’re fully satisfied
- Ask for feedback (how did your listening make them feel?)
Was it awkward?
How did the person feel?
How did you feel?
In the next week or so, I will be giving you some solid tips on how to become a Better Listener, but for now just do the exercise and see where it takes you.Are you listening to others in your life like they are the Only Person in the World (OPW)?
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